20 Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. 21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.
Daniel 2:20-21 (AMP)
I have been wanting to write this post for a long time. In fact, as far back as when the result of the Brexit Referendum in 2016 was announced. Unfortunately, it soon became evident that the process of exiting the European Union (EU) will be complicated by number of unforeseen events and that it became very clear, as weeks and months passed, that the Government, led by then Prime Minister Theresa May, were the individuals responsible for the chaos that propelled the UK to the drama that was being played on the world stage as the EU ridicules and bullies the UK. And it was these events that caused me to hold my opinion (in print), waiting for some clue that will finalise the process because I did not want to do a running commentary on Brexit, I waited for this clue. But it never came. Instead we have endured countless parliamentary shenanigans, manipulation and media bias. Why? Well the people in power, the Europhiles and those who want to remain in the EU claimed, arrogantly, that the people who voted against the EU did not know what they were voting for or that leaving the Customs Union was not on the ballot paper. Before the public even voted, the fear-mongering started with “threat of war” even foreign leaders weight in “non-EU Britain would go to the back of the queue in any trade negotiations” and continues as “Project Fear" seeks to undermine the vote to leave. We've even had adverts from HSBC proclaiming that we are "not an Island" and promoting the influence of other countries on the UK, set to the soundtrack of Edward Elgar’s Nimrod. Elgar was a English composer of classical music and during his lifetime was a prolific composer, having created well over 200 pieces. So, why Nimrod?
When "project fear" wasn't working they used fear and coercion to pressure Leavers into changing their mind through the likes of Tony Blair, John Major, Gordon Brown, Peter Mandelson, Alistair Campbell, Dominic Grieve, Keir Starmer, Nick Clegg to the promoters of a second referendum or People’s Vote. The mantra of the Roamers (those who want to remain in the EU) has received the widest media coverage and the bias began in earnest, all pretence of neutral reporting was completely dropped and we were inundated with misleading documentaries and even tv dramas. It’s been a long and exhausting process just to source articles for this post as well as the news section on my site. Let’s start with some of the articles addressing these concerns against the propaganda being propagated:
Britain: A Country Under Attack - MPs and members of the British establishment have colluded with Brussels to keep us in the EU…we have a powerful group of Remainer MPs from all parties determined to use any means available to them, including collaboration with the EU and changing the laws of the land, in order to prevent Britain from leaving. This political Alliance also includes opposition party leaders who view Brexit as an opportunity to gain more political power, even if it leads to the break-up of the UK. Collaboration with the EU is blatantly obvious. For example, Jeremy Corbyn and Nicola Sturgeon have openly met with EU leaders, without Government approval, to discuss Brexit and their own political agendas.
The ultimate aim of the EU is full economic and political union - There are striking similarities with the European Economic Community that was introduced in 1957 – and which became the foundation stone of the European Union and the European Economic Community that was developed at the University of Berlin in 1942. Though many have tried to dismissed the idea of Banking Union as conspiracy, we now know that it is “part of a longer term vision for economic and fiscal integration” and that the European Central Bank has already outlined a plan for banking union……”towards a genuine Economic and Monetary Union”.
European Army: Debunking the Lies - The ‘project’ that is now the European Union has nurtured an ambition to expand into the area of defence for almost seventy years, since the failed ‘Pleven Plan’ of October 1950….. Having successfully resisted efforts by the EU to push into the defence and intelligence areas for forty years, since May 2018 the UK Government has, bizarrely, agreed to instruments which would subordinate this country to the power of these emergent EU structures.
I have tried to provide a summary below of the events after the vote to leave. Unfortunately, I have not mentioned every single controversy nor can I provide an exhaustive and detailed timeline of events, because time and space will not permit me to do so. That will require writing a book! But I can provide links to articles that exposes the utter travesty of our elected leaders, right across our Parliament, government, press, media and even the Church of England. Many of these articles I referenced are from Melanie Phillips who has captured the mood of the nation and more importantly provides detailed factual analysis of the events. I have also used Spiked, Briefings For Brexit, The Great Brexit Debate, Government websites, conservative sites and the mainstream media.
You may have guessed that I support the Vote to Leave. Many say that the EU is a force for good. I disagree. Here’s why:
1. Anti-Christian – If you understand the Book of Daniel and the reference to the fourth empire then you will understand why I believe the *creation of the EU is anti-Christian. Back in 2004 while discussing a draft bill of the EU Constituent (Lisbon Treaty), the question of Christianity came up. The European parliament rejected a proposal from Christian Democrat MEPs to mention the continent's "Judaeo-Christian roots". The introduction of the draft treaty, drawn up by the former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing refers only to "cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe".
2. Anti-semitic – We know that antisemitism is acted upon by many nations and some say that it is unfair to put this label on the EU. But from its Founding Fathers to the present day, EU has failed to learn from the atrocities it committed in centuries past, the holocaust and as we witness the rise of this evil force in the continent, the European leaders are failing to act or confront it - even their own report states that “Anti-Semitism pervades European life”. They persistently push for two state solution that will divide the land, endorse a deal that is a threat to Israel - even going so far as to find ways to bypass US sanctions while Iran is murdering its people, repeatedly vowing to destroy Israel and attacking Israel via its proxies, and their support for the Palestinians and Arab nation.
3. The EU's customs union is a protectionist racket – a protectionist stance that harms competition and damage developing countries specially in Africa. A report produced by Overseas Development Institute (ODI) stated that the EU Trade Agreements 'will hurt developing countries'….“
Brexit: Timeline of Events
On 13 July 2016 David Davis was appointed by Theresa May to lead the brand-new Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU) as Secretary of State, with responsibility for negotiating the UK's prospective exit from the EU. The department was formed by combining staff from the Cabinet Office’s Europe Unit, the Europe Directorate of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the United Kingdom's Permanent Representation to the EU, and staff from other government departments when needed.
On 17th January 2017, Theresa May delivered her post-Brexit speech, known as the “Lancaster House Speech” in which she outlined the 12-point Brexit plan. In her speech she stated "clean break" with the EU and that Britain would seek a “new partnership”, "not partial membership, associate membership or anything that leaves us half-in, half-out". She made it clear that the “government will not be pressured into saying more than I believe it is in our national interest to say. Because it is not my job to fill column inches with daily updates, but to get the right deal for Britain” and provide “certainty wherever we can”. To many the objectives of the 12-point Brexit plan provided that certainty. At every opportunity, the PM and her Government provided that certainty by repeating the mantra that we all came to hate 'no deal for Britain is better than a bad deal'. But subsequent events proved that this was not the case.
On 29 March 2017, almost a year after the people voted, the United Kingdom invoked Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union which began the member state's withdrawal from the European Union. Upon this agreement the UK was scheduled to leave EU on 29 March 2019. The Article 50 deadline could be extended for a specified period of time, but only if each and every one of the 27 other EU member states agreed.
Problems, Problems, Problems
On 18 April 2017 Prime Minister Theresa May called a snap election for Thursday 8 June 2017 with approval from her cabinet. When she decided to call the election, with the aim of increasing her majority, the governing Conservative Party remained the largest single party in the House of Commons of 331 MPs - more than the 326 needed to have a Commons majority. Therefore, she did not need to call an election and it was a huge risk that backfired specularly. The Conservatives lost their majority by 12 seats but they were still the biggest party in the House of Commons. But to have its support in key votes, they needed to align with another party - they struck a deal with Democratic Unionist Party, the Northern Ireland’s Protestant party. The party is the creation of firebrand Protestant Evangelical Minister Ian Paisley, who once called Pope John II “Anti-Christ” at the 1988 European Parliament. Reverend Paisley also founded the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster and was characterized by his entrenched Unionist views and his hostile opposition to the Catholic Church.
At the end of December 2017, the first signs that trouble was brewing was when it was reported by the media that David Davis was being sidelined by Ollie Roberts, Europe Adviser to Theresa May and Head of the Cabinet Office's Europe Unit, who was taking an increasingly important role in the run up to the first-phase Brexit talks. We learned from the news reports that Davis, while these discussions were taking place, expressed a desire to quit “over frustration at being frozen out of key strategic talks on the UK's divorce from the European Union”. A deal was struck, and though welcomed by the EU, it was rejected by the DUP.
Chequers White Paper
In the summer of 2018, May met German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as French President Emmanuel Macron in order to garner support for her draft proposals.
On 6 July 2018 UK Cabinet met at Chequers to finalise a proposal to present to the EU known as the White Paper. The white paper says the government seeks “a principled and practical Brexit”. The ministers agreed on the plan which included the creation of free trade area of goods with the EU based on a “common rule book” and a “combined customs territory”
On 8 July 2018 the Secretary of State and the Lead EU Brexit Negotiator David Davis resigned along with Brexit ministers Steve Baker and Suella Braverman, just two days after ministers finally agreed to May’s plan for Britain's departure from the EU at Chequers. Mr Davis’ resignation letter stated "As I said at Cabinet, the "common rule book" policy hands control of large swathes of our economy to the EU and is certainly not returning control of our laws in any real sense. I am also unpersuaded that our negotiating approach will not just lead to further demands for concessions.” He was replaced the following day by Dominic Raab, Unfortunately, Theresa May stripped the Brexit department of responsibility to negotiate with the European Union and handed total control of the process to her Remainer civil servant Olly Robbins. Following Davis’ resignation and the emergence of Ollie Roberts, resistance to the plan from Eurosceptics, members of the European Research Group (ERG), grew.
18 September 2018 the EU rejected May’s Chequers Deal, White Paper, which was based on a “managed divergence” i.e. accepting the Single Market for goods but not for free movement of people, services and capital. This was seen as “cherry picking” the European Single Market, which according to the EU is not negotiable.
On 14 November 2018 the proposed Draft Withdrawal Agreement and Outline Political Declaration was "collectively agreed" by the Cabinet and published. Mrs May stated at a press conference "When you strip away the detail, the choice before us is clear. This deal which delivers on the vote of the referendum, which brings back control of our money, laws and borders; ends free movement; protects jobs, security and our union; or leave with no deal; or no Brexit at all". The following day Dominic Raab resigned over the deal “For my part I cannot support the proposed deal for two reasons. First I believe that the regulatory regime proposed for Northern Ireland presents a very real threat to the integrity of the United Kingdom. Second I cannot support an indefinite backstop arrangement, where the EU holds a veto over our ability to exit. The terms of the backstop amount to a hybrid of the EU Customs Union and Single Market obligations. No democratic nation has ever signed up to be bound by such an extensive regime, imposed externally without any democratic control over the laws to be applied, nor the ability to decide to exit the arrangement.” He was replaced by Stephen Barclay. More cabinet ministers resigned as May faced backlash over the deal. Negotiations over the Irish border question and the Irish backstop were frequently central to the debate around the Withdrawal Agreement.
On 17 October 2018, EU and UK negotiators announced that they had reached an agreement on an amended draft Withdrawal Agreement and a new Political Declaration setting out the framework for the future relationship between the UK and the EU.
On March 2019 Parliament rejected, for the third time, Theresa May's Brexit deal. Commons chaos continued with the House rejecting no deal, all the variations of the deal proposed by Remainers and Labour and it also rejected approving the Withdrawal Agreement alone without the Political Declaration. Dominic Raab, the former Brexit secretary who previously stated that “deal was worse than staying in the EU”, ex-ministers Boris Johnson and John Whittingdale and the chair of the European Research Group, Jacob Rees-Mogg, voted for May’s deal for the first time. But the deputy chairman of the European Research Group of Tory Eurosceptics, Steve Baker, refused to vote for the deal and called on Mrs May to step down immediately. Declaring that this should be "the final defeat" for the PM's deal - already rejected by 230 votes in January and 149 in March - Mr Baker said: "I regret to say it is time for Theresa May to follow through on her words and make way so that a new leader can deliver a Withdrawal Agreement which will be passed by Parliament." However, he now supports Boris’ Deal.
On 25 November 2018 at the Brussels summit the 27 member states in the European Union gave the deal their blessing after less than an hour's discussion.
On 18 February 2019 The Change UK was founded by remainers from the Labour and Conservative parties – who left to form a new party with favourable and ample coverage by media. In the May 2019 European Parliament Election the party failed to secure any seats, six of its eleven MPs left the party, with four going on to form the "The Independents" grouping in the House of Commons and five defecting to the Liberal Democrats.
On 3 May 2019 voters showed their disgust and frustration at the main parties, Conservatives and Labour, both suffered losses at the Local Elections. But it was the Conservatives that had the worst results in English local elections since 1995 after losing 1,334 seats and Theresa May was under pressure to quit. Lib-Dem's, Independent candidates and The Green party gain the most from the local election.
On 24 May 2019 Theresa May announced that she will be resigning on June 7th after repeatedly failing to get her Brexit plan through Parliament.
On 26 May 2019 at the European Elections the Brexit Party, launched only 6 weeks prior to the election, became the biggest single individual party in the European Parliament striking fear at the heart of the Conservatives and Europe.
On 23 July 2019 Boris Johnson was elected as the new leader of the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The following day he made speech outside Downing Street stating “The people who bet against Britain are going to lose their shirts, because we are going to restore trust in our democracy and we are going to fulfil the repeated promises of Parliament to the people and come out of the EU on October 31, no ifs or buts.“
On 25 October 2019 Boris failed to deliver his promise to deliver Brexit by 31 October. Mr Javid, the Chancellor told BBC Breakfast: “We have to accept we won’t be able to leave on October 31” but laid the blame firmly at the feet of Parliament and Jeremy Corbyn. Mr Javid also said the government will push “again and again” for a general election if the opposition denies Prime Minister Boris Johnson a pre-Christmas poll.
On 28 October 2019 MPs' voted to hold a general election on 12 December to break the current Parliamentary deadlock, which has led to the UK's exit being further delayed to 31 January. Mr Johnson hopes the election will give him a fresh mandate for his Brexit deal.
What followed after Boris’ election can only be described as extraordinary. To keep my sanity and to spare you of the boredom of going through every incident, every insult and troubling legal manoeuvres by the Remainers and mayhem created by the Leader of the House, John Bercow, whose very image will send Brexiters to an early grave, I have instead included links on key disputes. One thing is clear, the Conservative has betrayed the DUP after the party has propped up the Tories for two and a half years. And I cannot help but feel that Boris will betray the Brexit voters if he wins. But at this stage the important thing is to keep Corbyn away from No. 10.
The only person who has been consisted in this mess is Nigel Farage but has been badly treated by the media and the Conservative Party. He has been right about May’s Deal, right about the proposal of an EU Army, even though former MEP, Nick Clegg said that Nigel (MEP for over 20 years), was creating fear. He has been right about the Defence Union and has been right about Boris’ Deal that if the deal passes through we will be in EU indefinitely. However, Farage has made a key error of judgement by stepping aside for Conservative MPs. They repaid this gesture by trying to recruit his MPS by offering key positions in Boris’ government, using their friends in the media to smear him, and lastly the Conservative Party produced a cringe worthy video in which former members of the Brexit Party members, who have connections to the Conservative party, declare their support for Boris.
I started writing this post three days ago believing that Labour could win the election or failing that will win sufficient seats to form a collation with the remain parties, SNP or Lib Dems even though the UK opinion polls are predicting that the Conservatives are set to win a Parliamentary majority of 28 In the meantime, the public has been bombard with false stories and leaders politicising tragic events.
But I do not want the Labour Party to win, especially one headed by Corbyn and on the whole I feel that the Labour has become too radicalised to change course. There is an overwhelming evidence case against Corbyn and the Labour Party of Anti-Semitism here, here, here, here, here and here, I could go on and on. Corbyn is not just another leftie leader. Both John McDonnell and Corbyn are communists, and although I agree that the people of this country has suffered greatly and under Cameron and May, don’t be fooled by the radical socialist policies being proposed by them, this is Corbyn’s audacious attempt to seize control and shows how closely aligned he is with the Communist regimes, this is the man who praises and supports the Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro.
However, the problem is Boris Johnson’s integrity and credibility and whether he can persuade the electorates to vote for him - when many have issues with his “Brexit deal”, the way his party has been campaigning, his buffoonery style when forced to give details or provide coherent answers or maybe I’m wrong as this article suggests. I think that the those who do not want to vote for Boris will vote for Farage because he has been consisted but the media has deliberately ignored him. I do not trust Boris to fulfil this mandate to leave the UK nor do I think he will opt out of the Defence Pact with the EU. I am also concerned when it comes to Boris’ attitude to Israel of how he easily and quickly aligns himself with the EU on the world stage, which doesn’t surprise me considering his European heritage. His continuous for support of the Iran Nuclear Deal and the pain he caused, as Foreign Secretary, while handling the case of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is worrisome.
I will leave you with some positive moments to view on YouTube, when Members of the European Parliament supported the UK much to the annoyance of its leaders here, here, here and here.
* I should make it clear that I chose this YouTube video “The Rape of Europe” by David Hathaway because it contains some interesting facts. However, I disagree aligning Germany solely as the “last / restored Roman Empire”. I hold the same opinion as Dr. John F. Walvoord that the future Roman Empire will be a continuation of the old empire and will be more than one country, and that Babylon mentioned in Revelation 17 and 18, are two separate entities, one religious and the other political.
#NigelFarage #Brexit #UKGeneralElection #TonyBlair #ProjectFear #Referendum #EUDefence #EUArmy #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #JeremyCorbyn #EUBankingUnion #ChurchofEngland #LisbonTreaty #EUConstituent #twostatesolution #EUCustomUnion #EUTradeAgreements #TheresaMay #BorisJohnson #Article50 #DemocraticUnionistParty #AntiChrist #WithdrawalAgreement #PoliticalDeclaration #SingleMarket #Tory #EuropeanResearchGroup #Brussels #EuropeanParliamentElections #LabourParty #Venezuelan #socialistpolicies #Communism #IranNuclearDeal #NazaninZaghariRatcliffe #Walvoord #Gemany