UPDATED 15 December 2020
11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13)
24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)
(all emphasis are mine)
It is remarkable how fast global events are shaping up prophetically. Back in 2018, when I wrote about this subject, I never dreamt that it will happen so predictably or quickly. Again, just recently, I provided a update on this subject as part of a series of articles on One World Global Governance, and yet again, under the guise of the pandemic, world leaders, businesses and bankers are delivering global actions, which is being implemented, while the masses are being distracted by global conflicts: US elections, Brexit, China, Russia, and the latest mainstream or alternative media’s frenzy reporting on the pandemic. However, for many, the pandemic alone is enough for people to be disconnected from the due to the looming recession, hunger, unemployment and homelessness because of the various lockdowns imposed by governments.
We are extremely close to the rapture which can happen anytime now. In the meantime, we are seeing the stage being set and players being assembled, except the Antichrist, as he will be revealed when the believers are taken away.
51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. (1 Corinthians 15)
Preparation for a One World Economy
Of all the end-time news, the one most Christians are clueless about is the spider web of our globalized economy unless you mention the "Mark of the Beast", when suddenly we sit up, clue to every word written or said, otherwise no one bothers to read the latest white papers or even the latest financial/banking news. Who wants to listen to these pesky grey bankers who talk in endless jargons.... For example, in the last three months, three major events took place, at least that I am aware of, which hasn't been picked up by the Christian or mainstream media. The first event was hosted by the Financial Times, "Global Moral Money Summit - Redefining Capitalism: Building Back Better" on 30 September - 1 October 2020. According to them, the "Summit brings together an elite cohort of senior leaders and financial experts to explore the challenge of shifting capitalism so that it benefits not only shareholders but the whole of society and the planet on which we depend." One of the topics at the Panel Discussion was "The New Framework for Global Governance". The confirmed speakers are categorized as the "Global Boardroom" which consisted of 139 scheduled speakers that included the Canadian PM Trudeau, representatives of governments, Central Banks, BIS, IMF, World Bank, etc. It included members from various sectors, transnational corporations, retail and investment banks, PR, media, tech companies, and so on. The second event was a speech given by the recently appointed IMF Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva, on 15 October, titled "A New Bretton Woods Moment". Think about these words and its significance. This is a serious plan to reset the world economy just as Bretton Woods did over 70 years ago, after WWII, when leading bankers and heads of states established a new economy that is often referred to as the "New World Order". Georgieva even quoted, the man behind the Bretton Woods initiative, John Maynard Keynes, when at the "conclusion of the conference he captured the significance of international cooperation as hope for the world. “If we can continue…The brotherhood of man will have become more than a phrase", he said." Thirdly, the previous Managing Director of the IMF, now head of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, stated that she has "hunch there will be digital Euro by 2025". This is in line with a previous speech she gave in 2018 titled: "Winds of Change: The Case for New Digital Currency" (CBDC). Since then things have moved on dramatically, and we are and will be seeing the development and implementation phases of a global digital payment system that will use CBDC. The Bank of England has already confirmed that they are on "course to begin roll out of new Payment System by 2022". What we are seeing is prophetically significant. I'm not referring to CBDC, but the development and implementation of a One World Economy, one that is a digital cashless system that includes Surveillance and a Global Digital ID, because this has been proposed in order to facilitate the CBDC. The last two points of my post are covered in detailed by James Corbett Report – Bretton Woods 2.0. Here is the summary of the show:
Do you know what it means when the Managing Director of the IMF warns of a “new Bretton Woods moment?” How about when the head of the BIS revels in the total surveillance power that digital currencies will afford the central bankers? Well, you’re about to. Don’t miss this info-packed edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James peels back the layers of the great currency reset onion and uncovers the New World (Monetary) Order
Revelation 13:1 describes a trinity of evil forces: the Dragon (Satan), the Beast (Antichrist) and the False Prophet, which is a religious person that has “two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.” From the beginning, after his rebellion, Satan wanted to set up an opposition against the kingdom of God (heaven) but because he was kicked out he tried to establish an earthly kingdom (tower of Babel) and in the future, during the 7-year Tribulation, Satan is given power to do this and a counterfeit of the unity of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead, is formed. This has been his aim when he rebelled against God and the bible tells us that “the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” (John 5).
12 “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! 13 For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ 15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit. (Isaiah 14)
Interestingly, Pope Francis has been, for sometime, calling for One World Government and advocating for the unity of all religions and “Christian” denominations (The Apostacy). I’m not saying that Pope Francis or even another Pope is ‘The False Prophet’, though there are “many antichrists” as Jesus and John warned us, nevertheless it is worth considering because of the religious power and the influence he has. The biblical False Prophet is connected with the worship of the image, signs and wonders, and money. So, it is interesting to learn that Pope Francis has been pushing for a “a new global economy”, to such an extent that he has created a global initiative in his name called the ‘Economy of Francesco’ – “It was convoked by Pope Francis in 2019 when he asked economists and young people to give life to the idea of a different kind of economy… giving a new soul to global economy”.
It was initially launched in 2019, with the aim of galvanizing young people as “Change Makers”: “The so-called "change-makers" are young economists, businessmen and women bringing their virtuous models of entrepreneurship to the table, and world-class experts in economy and social sciences who have come together to respond to Pope Francis’ invitation to transform hope for the rights of future generations into reality.”
Pope Francis has also announced, just last week, that he will be leading a Council for Inclusive Capitalism within the Vatican that includes a “New Alliance of Global Business Leaders” known as the ‘Guardians’: “The Council is led by a core group of global leaders, known as the “Guardians” for Inclusive Capitalism, who meet annually with Pope Francis and Cardinal Turkson.”
The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican ("the Council"), a historic new partnership between some of the world's largest investment and business leaders and the Vatican, launched today. It signifies the urgency of joining moral and market imperatives to reform capitalism into a powerful force for the good of humanity. Under the moral guidance of His Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence Cardinal Peter Turkson, who leads the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development at the Vatican, and inspired by the moral imperative of all faiths, the Council invites companies of all sizes to harness the potential of the private sector to build a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable economic foundation for the world.
The Council is led by a core group of global leaders, known as Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism, who meet annually with Pope Francis and Cardinal Turkson. These leaders represent more than $10.5 trillion in assets under management, companies with over $2.1 trillion of market capitalization, and 200 million workers in over 163 countries. The organization challenges business and investment leaders of all sizes to embrace the Council's guiding principles and make public commitments to act on them. These collective actions are intended to lead to systemic change by making capitalism a greater force for inclusivity and sustainability. Watch a video of the Guardians discussing the Council's mission here.
Speaking to the Guardians, Pope Francis said, "An economic system that is fair, trustworthy, and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed. You have taken up the challenge by seeking ways to make capitalism become a more inclusive instrument for integral human wellbeing."
The Guardians have already committed to hundreds of measurable actions, and Council members will make ongoing commitments to continue to advance inclusive capitalism. They will be accountable for their public commitments and invite businesses around the world to join. View the full list of actions being taken here.
Fintech and the Potential of a Cashless Society
The movement toward a Cashless Society is inevitable. For many years now, the mainstream media has been reporting / promoting cashless society. In 1988, The Economist, in its “Get Ready for a World Currency” article, predicted that in 30 years’ time a new world currency will merge: “Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency.” The Economist named the currency “Phoenix”, but it was used more like metaphor, not a name.
Though their prediction for 2018, for a global currency has failed, nevertheless with the advent of new technologies we are seeing the globalists’ agenda being mobilised, due to the disruption caused by the Fintech sector. So, the idea has moved on from a single currency to a digital payment system. Fintech magazine recently reported that the “first truly cashless society could be a reality by 2023, according to a new report from global consultancy A.T. Kearney...”.
The revolution in Fintech is disrupting the traditional finance and banking industry is a natural cycle of the next big wave of technological advances and in order for the financial system, mentioned in Revelation 13 to be executed, the world economy must have a universal financial system in place. Interestingly, world leaders and globalist intergovernmental organizations are also looking to create a universal basic income to lessen the “damage” as result of the pandemic, which was enforced by the very people who are now making plans to implement Central Bank Digital Currencies and a basic income for all, a perfect plan to control the masses.
Influential media publications like the Economist, Financial Times and the German, public international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle have been publishing articles and creating number of videos on YouTube. The latter recently posted another video on cashless society and how Covid-19 has accelerated the push for cashless economy, with following commentary:
More and more people are paying with cards or apps these days. Could COVID-19 spell the end of cash? Many people have switched to contactless payment because of fears that the coronavirus might be transmitted by bills and coins. They even use debit cards for small sums at the bakery or newsagent’s. Electronic payment systems are on the rise.
Germany is torn. Up to now, Germans have been known for their love of cash. The country has been famously reluctant to embrace payment by card or app. But since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis more and more people have switched to paying electronically. For many months, it was unclear whether the virus could spread on paper currency and coins. It’s now believed that the risk of COVID-19 transmission on money is low. But the pandemic has amped up the trend toward cash-free payments in Germany. According to a survey by the Association of German Banks, almost 60 percent of people in Germany now pay by debit or credit card, or with smartphone apps. Marion Labouré, a strategist at Deutsche Bank and Harvard lecturer, has carried out research in this field. She says South Korea and China have even put bank notes into quarantine and destroyed bills. ‘The US Central Bank is another example,’ she adds. ‘Cash is definitely being used by fewer and fewer people. Last December, one third of Germans paid with cards or apps, now it’s about 50 percent.’
Credit card companies, which charge fees to retailers, are profiting from this development. But data protection advocates warn that information is gathered, stored and often passed on with each electronic transaction. Sarah Spiekermann, a professor at the University of Economics and Business in Vienna, has warned of the serious consequences of this kind of surveillance capitalism: ‘Ordinary people, people who are quite similar to one another, will find themselves paying different prices for flights and hotel bookings, for instance, or they might be refused insurance or be passed over for job offers.’ Cash or card – will COVID-19 kill cash? | DW Documentary
Universal Basic Income
The Universal Basic Income is an unconditional income that is sufficient to meet a person's basic needs (i.e., at or above the poverty line), unlike the welfare systems which has conditions attached. In response to Covid-19, number of cities have introduced trials on Universal Basic Income (even before the pandemic) as a response to the Covid-19 and has been discussed by world leaders to become permanent because of the rise of automation and in line with 4th Industrial Revolution advocated by the United Nations, EU, IM, World Bank and World Economic Forum. The entire world has introduced some sort of universal basic income in the form of unemployment relief or food subsidy.
The idea of a state-run basic income dates back to the early 16th century when Sir Thomas More's Utopia depicted a society in which every person receives a guaranteed income. Interestingly, Sir Thomas More (7 February 1478 – 6 July 1535), venerated in the Catholic Church as Saint Thomas More, was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. He also served Henry VIII as Lord High Chancellor of England from October 1529 to May 1532. More opposed the Protestant Reformation, directing verbal and written attacks against the theology of Martin Luther, especially William Tyndale, who was martyred (publicly burned at the stake) for daring to oppose the teachings of the Catholic Church and for translating the bible into English. More also opposed Henry VIII's separation from the Catholic Church, refusing to acknowledge Henry as supreme head of the Church of England and the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. After refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy, he was convicted of treason and executed. On his execution, he was reported to have said: "I die the King's good servant, and God's first".
Pope Pius XI canonised More in 1935 as a martyr. Pope John Paul II in 2000 declared him the patron saint of statesmen and politicians.
In the late 1970s and the 1980s, basic income was more or less forgotten in the United States, but it started to gain some traction in Europe. Basic Income European Network, later renamed to Basic Income Earth Network, was founded in 1986 and started to arrange international conferences every two years. From the 1980s, some people outside party politics and universities took an interest. In West Germany, groups of unemployed people took a stance for the reform.
In 2002, a Green Paper, was commissioned on the topic by the Government of Ireland.
Since 2010, basic income again became an active topic in many countries. Basic income is currently discussed from a variety of perspectives, including in the context of ongoing automation and robotization, often with the argument that these trends mean less paid work in the future. This would create a need for a new welfare model. Several countries are planning for local or regional experiments with basic income or related welfare systems. For example, experiments in Canada, Finland, India, and Namibia have received international media attention. The policy was discussed by the Indian Ministry of Finance in an economic survey in 2017.
“The crisis by COVID-19 has prompted many economists and policymakers to rethink their stance on Universal Basic Income”:
In his 1516 fictional work, Utopia, the philosopher Thomas More describes a conversation between Portuguese traveller Raphael Nonsenso and the Archbishop of Canterbury, John Morton, in which the former argues that cash handouts provided by the state could reduce theft in the city of Antwerp. “No penalty on earth will stop people from stealing, if it is their only way of getting food,” Nonsenso says. “It would be far more to the point to provide everyone with somne [sic] means of livelihood.”
Desperate times, desperate measures In March 2020, over 500 academics and public figures from around the globe signed an open letter urging governments to enact emergency basic income during the pandemic. Jens Lerche, Reader in Agrarian and Labour Studies at SOAS University of London, was one of its signatories. He explained his reasons for signing to World Finance.
“Across the world, millions of people have lost jobs and livelihoods because of the pandemic. The relief packages put in place only provide cover for some of them. Millions must rely on charity or survive on bare minimum support,” he said. “The only simple and straightforward system that could carry everyone through the crisis is universal basic income. It could ensure that no one fell through the cracks.” Universal basic income gains support during the pandemic
Recent examples of Universal Payment Scheme:
A two-year pilot the Finnish government began in January 2017 which involved 2,000 subjects In April 2018, the Finnish government rejected a request for funds to extend and expand the program from Kela (Finland's social security agency).
A project called Eight in a village in Fort Portal, Uganda, that a nonprofit organization launched in January 2017, which provides income for 56 adults and 88 children through mobile money.
Social Income started paying out basic incomes in the form of mobile money in 2020 to people in need in Sierra Leone. The international initiative is financed by contributions from people world-wide, who donate 1% of their monthly paychecks.
In a study in several Indian villages, basic income in the region raised the education rate of young people by 25%.
In August 2020, a project in Germany started that gives a 1,200 Euros monthly basic income to 120 citizens, which will last three years and be compared against 1,380 people who do not receive basic income.
In April 2020, Spain's Socialist-led government launched a monthly basic income scheme for the most vulnerable households hit by the coronavirus crisis and the “Government plans to keep payments ‘a permanent instrument’ after pandemic is over”.
The “Mark”: Prototypes / Forerunners
Christians have long debated the meaning of the "mark of the beast". It still remains to be seen if the mark will be digital tattoos, microchips under the skin or some other form of biometric payment using the “right hand and forehead”, but there is no denying it, our generation appears to be the first in history to have the technology to fulfil this prophecy.
The latest technology and research:
Microchip Implants - In 1 August 2017, workers at Three Square Market, a Wisconsin-based company specializing in vending machines, lined up in the office cafeteria to be implanted with microchips. One after the other, they held out a hand to a local tattoo artist who pushed a rice-grain sized implant into the flesh between the thumb and forefinger. The 41 employees who opted into the procedure received complimentary t-shirts that read “I Got Chipped”.
Storing medical information below the skin’s surface - MIT Researchers have found a way to leave a "mark" under the skin that will enable medical authorities to know whether someone has been vaccinated or not. This "mark" is created using a specialized dye that is not visible to the naked eye, and the dye is delivered under the skin as part of the vaccination process. Scientists at MIT wanted to create an easy method for keeping track of vaccinations in parts of the world where electronic databases are not commonly used.
The researchers have now developed a novel way to record a patient's vaccination history: storing the data in a pattern of dye, invisible to the naked eye, that is delivered under the skin at the same time as the vaccine.
New ‘stretchy electronics’ could redefine wearable tech - Earlier this year, the World Economic Forum, reported on “Wearable Tattoos”, which may include electronic chips worn on the skin. At the heart of any electronic device is a cold, hard computer chip, covered in a miniature city of transistors and other semiconducting elements. Because computer chips are rigid, the electronic devices that they power, such as our smartphones, laptops, watches, and televisions, are similarly inflexible. Now a process developed by MIT engineers may be the key to manufacturing flexible electronics with multiple functionalities in a cost-effective way.
For current and future developments of cashless payment systems, Steven Guinness, a UK Economic and Geopolitical Analysis, has an excellent website.