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End of Year News Items – 30 December 2020

Writer's picture: Watch and PrayWatch and Pray

As far as “patriotism,” I think a lot of Christians have put too much emphasis on this subject. It certainly is important to love your country and pray for it, but I see so many Christians putting their faith more in Trump, or what our nation could or should be, rather than in Christ and Christ alone. It seems so many Christians today are fighting for a home that isn’t their own.

“For our conversation [citizenship] is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself”(Philippians 3:20-21). “For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly” (Hebrews 13:14-18).

John Haller 13 December 2020 John Haller's Prophecy Update "Tensions"

As Jerry Falwell did decades ago with AntiChrist "Match-Maker en Masse" cult leader Rev Moon, a member of Trump's Evangelical Team at the White House, Pastor Paula White, has endorsed Moon's heretical, blaspheming widow 'Mother Moon'. Mrs Moon, among other things, claims to be the incarnation of the Holy Spirit on the earth today, as her late husband claimed to be the 2nd Coming of Christ (to finish what He "failed to do"!) None of this mattered to Paula, who revealed how deluded and dangerous she is by singing the Moon lady's praises and praying for her "Christian work of peace and unity" to be blessed of (the) god (of this world). I suggest you watch John Haller's Prophecy Update to see the heinous example of full blown apostasy as the One World Church continues to form. I have heard some shocking things in recent times, but this "takes the cake". One of the most appalling things I have EVER heard. To not recognize the Moonies as a cult with blaspheming leaders but rather to praise its matriarch, (who is responsible for many who are in or going to Hell) is beyond belief. The virtual conference was also attended by "evangelical" and "Christian" leaders. The prophecy updates also includes news on vaccine, from a Christian perspective, and interesting events in the Middle East with Israel signing peace treaties. Interesting times that we are living in!

Today evangelicals--many of whom have been warning against encroachments on religious liberty, and highlighting the harm promised by the new sexual orthodoxy--find themselves standing in a radically different political and cultural landscape, with unfriendly eyes all around. Coming Here Soon? 3 Years In Jail For Speech Offending LGBT People - Norway has made biphobic, transphobic speech Illegal. More specifically, the penal code states that those who are guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to a year in jail for private comments, and a maximum of three years in jail for public remarks.

"They tried to force some of our Christians to convert to Islam. They also tried to force my wife and our four children to convert to Islam, but when they refused to convert, they shot my wife in the head while our four children were cut into pieces with a Somali sword. — Morningstar News, Democratic Republic of Congo. "Islamic militants turned a village soccer field in northern Mozambique into an execution ground when they beheaded more than 50 people during three days of savage violence.... More than 2,000 people have been killed and about 430,000 left homeless in the region since 2017." — Barnabas Aid, Mozambique. For two months after kidnapping a deaf and mute Christian teenage girl her, five Muslim men repeatedly gang-raped and tortured her. All this time, police ignored the parents' pleas to intervene. It was only when a local authority took up the case, and only after months of court meetings, that the girl was located and returned to her parents. One of the kidnappers insisted the girl had willingly converted to Islam and married him. — British Pakistani Christian Association, Pakistan.

This month, Islamic State terrorists released a "religious" song for Christmas, "Coldly Kill Them With Hate and Rage". Taking the form of Islamic religious chant, the song, according to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute, exhorts jihadists everywhere to murder non-Muslims, "pagans, atheists and polytheists", from "West Africa all the way to east Asia... through air, land and sea". Published on Telegram, the post includes the hashtag #MerryChristmas and a photograph of a Christmas tree with dynamite attached.

Remember back in the old days of, say, 2019, when anyone who talked about microchip implants, Americans being forced to show travel papers, and re-education camps was thought to be a crazy conspiracy theorist? And then 2020 rolled around and voila! It turns out those conspiracy theories weren’t so “crazy” after all. And I’m not just talking about the government releasing info about UFOs. We’re living in a time when someone will attempt to beat the crap out of you, burn your house down, or even kill you if you voted for the “wrong” presidential candidate. We’re being subjected to curfews, our movement is restricted, and our businesses have been forcibly shut down. One day, people will look back on this as the year that everything changed – or depending on how Americans respond to the mandates – the year we finally said enough.

Amateur UK archaeologist: Holy Grail in secret crypt in West London river Nothing surprises me about 2020! First, "a galactic federation" that has been waiting for humans to "reach a stage where we will understand...and now this. The Jerusalem Post and various media outlets are reporting that the location of the legendary Holy Grail maybe hidden in London. Even the Environment Agency, a public body overseen by the UK government, intends to assist with the search by diverting a river. We know that all of this is nonsense but it is interesting just like the recent UFO comments by an Israeli scientist. People don't want to believe in the existence of God but would rather follow every wind of doctrines or in this case a legend.

In a bombshell announcement, the stock exchange is threatening to drop companies who don't meet certain LGBT, race, and gender quotas on their boards of directors. It's the latest shoe to drop in the march to trample the free market and replace it with woke activism.

We are facing a global food crisis that is unlike anything we have ever seen before in modern times, and 2021 is going to be the year when it starts to become extremely painful all over the globe.

The coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated how important secure supply chains are for a nation's wellbeing. America should begin preparing now to face the rising tide of supply chain infiltrations by aggressive and determined adversaries….In July, a study reviewing dozens of supply chain cyber-attacks suggested that the pace of these incidents is increasing rapidly. Given that two of the most notable perpetrators highlighted were China and Russia, this threat is a national security issue warranting focused attention. Many existing cyber defense initiatives focus on more traditional network-delivered attacks, but events show that the supply chain presents distinct alternative vectors for adversary reconnaissance and intrusion.

Agriculture in India is at a crossroads. Indeed, given that over 60 per cent of the country’s 1.3-billion-plus population still make a living from agriculture (directly or indirectly), what is at stake is the future of India. Unscrupulous interests are intent on destroying India’s indigenous agri-food sector and recasting it in their own image. Farmers are rising up in protest……The aim is to let powerful corporations take control under the guise of ‘market reforms’. The very transnational corporations that receive massive taxpayer subsidies, manipulate markets, write trade agreements and institute a regime of intellectual property rights, thereby indicating that the ‘free’ market only exists in the warped delusions of those who churn out clichés about ‘price discovery’ and the sanctity of ‘the market’….The aim is to let powerful corporations take control under the guise of ‘market reforms’. The very transnational corporations that receive massive taxpayer subsidies, manipulate markets, write trade agreements and institute a regime of intellectual property rights, thereby indicating that the ‘free’ market only exists in the warped delusions of those who churn out clichés about ‘price discovery’ and the sanctity of ‘the market’.

The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of rich and powerful land speculators and agribusiness corporations. Smallholder farmers are being criminalised and even made to disappear when it comes to the struggle for land. They are constantly exposed to systematic expulsion……the World Bank and IMF were intent on opening up foreign markets to Western corporations and that the high stakes around the control of Ukraine’s vast agricultural sector, the world’s third largest exporter of corn and fifth largest exporter of wheat, constitute an overlooked critical factor. He added that in recent years, foreign corporations had acquired more than 1.6 million hectares of Ukrainian land….In June 2020, the IMF approved an 18-month $5 billion loan programme with Ukraine. According to the Brettons Wood Project website, the government committed to lifting the 19-year moratorium on the sale of state-owned agricultural lands after sustained pressure from international finance. The World Bank incorporated further measures relating to the sale of public agricultural land as conditions in a $350 million Development Policy Loan (COVID ‘relief package’) to Ukraine approved in late June. This included a required ‘prior action’ to “enable the sale of agricultural land and the use of land as collateral.”… In addition to various Western governments, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, which manages the foundation’s endowment, is also investing in private equity, taking positions in farm and food businesses around the world.

The Group of 20 wrapped up yet another high-profile summit on Sunday that will once again disappoint anyone looking to the world’s wealthiest countries for leadership in resolving the developing world’s burgeoning debt crisis….. Let’s face it, the fact that so much of the world’s debt is either owed to China or private creditors makes the G20 largely a secondary actor here. Further, we should stop pretending that at some point the U.S., Europe, and Japan are going to marshall the nerve to take on either powerful forces in Beijing or on Wall Street/The City to demand concessions on behalf of the world’s poorest countries. Citizens Speak Out About Corruption In Africa - Corruption in African countries is hindering economic, political and social development. It is a major barrier to economic growth, good governance and basic freedoms, such as freedom of speech or citizens’ right to hold governments to account. More than this, corruption affects the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. The 10th edition of the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – Africa, reveals that…

The Companies That Export Corruption - Airbus, Ericsson, Odebrecht, Rolls Royce, Halliburton...the list of multi-nationals that have been caught red-handed in systematic and widespread bribery schemes is long. Since 2000, big corruption scandals such as those involving corporate bribery at Siemens, one of Germany’s biggest companies, or BAE Systems, Europe’s largest military contractor, sent shockwaves worldwide prompting public outrage and calls for increased enforcement against foreign bribery. Previously, foreign bribery was considered just another cost of doing business. It was barely investigated, to the detriment of the citizens of the affected countries. Sadly, ordinary people still suffer the biggest consequences. Foreign Bribery Rages Across The Globe - Foreign bribery has huge costs and consequences for countries across the globe – and those costs have become more severe during the COVID-19 pandemic. With many cases of foreign bribery occurring in health care, we cannot afford for corruption to cost any additional lives. Our new report, Exporting Corruption, rates the performance of 47 leading global exporters, including 43 countries that are signatories to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention, in cracking down on foreign bribery by companies operating abroad. Four leading non-OECD Convention exporters are also covered include China, Hong Kong SAR, India and Singapore.

Struggling to Form the Beast’s 7th Head :: By Gene Lawley That thread of Antichrist is the continual thread of opposition to God and His plan for the ages, and there we see its culmination in that final eighth head of the Beast, personified in the Antichrist who will be cast into the lake of fire, alive, with the false prophet. That seventh head is said to only last a short time. That is because it is the culmination of the long drive to create a New World Order, a one-world government, which has fronted for the Antichrist since the earliest kingdom. The Antichrist is always associated with the New World Order, but the Beast is not the Antichrist until he takes over as the solitary eighth head with authority challenges put down. He, alone, wants to be God…..Much can be written about the threads of conflict that have continued over the centuries, but it now appears that the end is drawing near. Promotion of the New World Order concept has run quietly, but rampant, in the highest levels of national leadership. Such can be found easily on the internet, where the blessings and benefits, so called, are promised by Bush 41 (George H. W. Bush), for example. He touts the glories of the New World Order wholeheartedly, saying with confident certainty, “After we are successful, and we will be….” After Obama’s election in 2008, Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State under President Richard Nixon, declared excitedly, “He (Obama) has been primed to lead us into a New World Order” and “We hired him right out of law school!”

The Main Stream Media is Lying about The Great Reset and attempting to undermine genuine concern. Sadly most people only read the headline. Recently, the mainstream media has been publishing articles to “debunk” the “Great Reset” launched by the World Economic Forum in alliance with the IMF, World Bank, UN and numerous public and private organisations.

Interview 1609 – James Corbett on Resisting the Great Reset - John Bush talks to James Corbett of the Corbett Report to shine light on how COVID-19 has accelerated the insider’s plans to usher in a technocratic and authoritarian global government…..Topics in the interview will include 9/11, COVID tyranny, vaccines, the 2030 Agenda, The Great Reset, agorism, solutions, and the elite’s strategy of problem-reaction-solution. The two will also explore how blockchain technology simultaneously offers hope for decentralization while also providing a means for those in power to better track, trace, and control the public.

For a detailed analysis, I highly recommend watching these videos:

Your Guide to The Great Reset by the Corbett Report, an excellent detailed and factual report with show notes that lists source material. James Corbett’s overview: “You’ve all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Also, these two videos, The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain and Connecting the Dots: The Great Reset & The Fourth Industrial Revolution, contains information concerning the UK and how the Great Rest and the UN's "Build Back Better" has been embraced by Boris Johnson’s government.

Hugo Talks: Is this the ruler of the world? No, he is not the ruler of the world but a facilitator of all that is happening in the political and financial systems. He is extremely powerful and influential. Watch him because his global plans and agenda affects the world that we live in. Many of his and his friends, that are the 1% of the world richest and influential people, have had their plans implemented. You need to watch him because he and his partners are creating "multinational systems" which is code for One Word Government and One World Economy. Digitial ID and the Dark Truth

Contrast this with the Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution. The UK government, like many others in the West, is clearly trying to implement the Klaus Schwab/WEF programme, under the guise of fighting a virus, but unlike Brexit, not only is there no public vote, there is not even a debate. How can this be right? The Great Reset/4IR (and the closely linked UN 2030 Agenda) represents not only the most radical changes ever proposed in our lifetimes, but the most radical changes to everyday life IN HISTORY. The Great Reset/4IR is actually about redefining what it means to be human. For centuries, it has been accepted that man is a social animal. That meeting up with other people is good for us. That we have certain freedoms which are inalienable. But the Great Reset/4IR threatens all of this. Klaus Schwab says “What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.” Wow. A fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity. That’s Transhumanism. Cyborgs. I Robot. That represents a slightly bigger change to our lives than anything argued about in the Brexit negotiations.

Landmark legal case would seek to make EU nations “do what scientists say is necessary”.

The six youth activists are allegedly crowd-funding the campaign, but also have the backing of the Global Legal Action Network NGO. Though the six teenagers are all Portuguese, the case is being brought against thirty-three different nations simultaneously – all 27 EU members, the UK, Russia, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine and Switzerland….. Consider the precedents being set here. As the Guardian rightly points out, the ECHR is a standard-setting body, even if the final judgment in this particular case is largely ignored, or considered simply symbolic, it will still sit on the books as a precedent in several ways….A government which has policy dictated by what scientists say is necessary. NOT what is democratically mandated. NOT what is legally permitted. Not even what is morally correct….Anybody paying attention to the way the world is being run in the wake of the Covid19 “pandemic” should find those words at least a little chilling. Greta Thunberg ‘holding world leaders ransom’ over emission demands - at a time when economies are bleeding out - essentially holding world leaders ransom over Twitter and other means to her ridiculous “zero emissions by yesterday” demands.

Sky News host Rowan Dean says the next World Economic Forum in Davos has morphed from a “jet-setter climate gabfest” into a sinister “anti-democratic enterprise designed to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future”. “It's a hardcore leftist eco-horror show replete with quasi fascism,” he said. Mr Dean highlighted what he described as a “disturbing trend among many of the world's left-wing elites to increasingly conflate COVID-19 with climate change…..“It is a program designed to strip us all of our fundamental democratic rights in favour of a new form of society as dictated by the elites”.

To suggest that there has been an overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic may be the understatement of the century. The spark that began as a rational fear of disease has been fanned into flames of widespread panic which have raged through state and civil institutions. The spectacle of the US election aside (or perhaps a case in point), it is fair to say that democracy no longer exists. The rule of law has been suspended….. But how do we begin to talk about resetting the global economy without at least a perfunctory introduction to the work of Karl Marx, surely one of if not the most important political economist of the modern era? You should have learned about him in school…… but when novels like 1984 and Brave New World begin to read more like instruction manuals than fiction, one has to wonder.

Part 1: Actor Sean Penn’s “charitable” NGO, with close ties to USAID and the Clintons, has pivoted its focus from “disaster relief” abroad to now playing a key role in US COVID-19 testing and the promotion of the transnational corporatocracy’s Covid-19 narratives. Part 2: Jack Dorsey, the CIA and Twitter Censorship in the Age of Covid-19 - Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, has embedded himself in some of the most powerful global influencer complexes. His techno-mining of African potential and the increasing use of Twitter as a surveillance tool for the corporatocracy have generated the opportunity for Dorsey to play an increasingly pivotal role in the roll-out of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.


The United States government’s COVID-19 policy response has proven rife with waste, fraud, and abuse at every turn. From $10 million for gender programs in Pakistan being tied to a COVID relief bill to the expanded unemployment system’s runaway corruption by fraudsters, American pandemic governance in 2020 has seemed like a never ending cycle of fiscal irresponsibility. Yet a new exposé by the New York Times shows that the fraudulent and flawed nature of the US’s COVID response is not an outlier by any stretch…… According to the new investigative reporting, the United Kingdom’s COVID response was riddled with cronyism and corruption. The Times analyzed roughly 1,200 government contracts, worth $22 billion in sum, that were dolled out for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other pandemic-related purchases during the immediate aftermath of the outbreak. At least $11 billion—nearly half—went to suspicious contractors. Roughly $5 billion went to companies with a clear connection to a politician. Nearly $6 billion went to companies with no prior experience in the goods they were contracted to produce, including jewellers and fashion designers. And more than $5 billion was given to companies with controversial pasts including alleged tax evasion, allegations of human rights violations, and more.

$10 million of US taxpayer money will be given to the government of Pakistan specifically for gender studies programs as part of the Covid relief bill just passed by Congress. If you think that is bad or wonder what this has to do with Covid - wait until you read the rest of how the money is being spent....

The latest narrative, which is being used as a vector for endless amounts of COVID-19 panic and fear mongering, is related to the claim that there is a new mutation of the novel coronavirus spreading, which is claimed to be much more contagious — a claimed 70%(!) increase in transmissibility — than the original dominant variant. Here’s the problem with that claim: it’s based solely on a single model put together by a team of epidemiologists with a track record of failure…. British media has reported Boris Johnson received his 70% more transmissible statistic from a single source, Erik Volz, an epidemiologist in his mid 30s who is currently a member of Imperial College London’s epidemiology department. If Imperial College sounds familiar, that’s because the British institution is now infamous for its “plague of the century” epidemiological model for COVID-19, which projected that millions of Americans, and hundreds of millions of people worldwide, would die from the coronavirus in a matter of months.

Look who's back! Professor Lockdown Neil Ferguson - who broke the rules to see his lover - had key role in PM's dramatic U-turn on Christmas Mr Johnson crushed festive plans after announcing new Tier Four restrictions for London and the South East, banning all people from mixing indoors over Christmas. However, minutes from the Nervtag meeting published yesterday have now revealed the expert committee had in fact only ‘moderate confidence’ that the new strain was more transmissible than other variants. It comes after claims that the majority of its members were opposed to immediate action over the new mutation and wanted to wait for more evidence. Professor Ferguson is largely credited with causing the Government’s U-turn on its initial ‘herd immunity’ strategy, after which the first lockdown was introduced in March, earning him the nickname Professor Lockdown….On the same day as the Nervtag meeting, Professor Ferguson appeared on the BBC suggesting the country might need a third lockdown that would be even tougher than the second.

The scientist continued to attend meetings of Nervtag and SPI-M, despite Number 10 saying he had stepped back from both. In May Number 10 said he had stepped down from both SAGE and Nervtag after it was revealed he had broken the rules. Asked if he was still attending Nervtag, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman said at the time: "Nervtag is part of Sage, so the answer is no, Professor Ferguson will no longer attend, participate or contribute to SAGE meetings." Today, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman admitted Professor Ferguson had continued to attend the meetings - but provided no explanation for why the public had been misled.

Senior Tory Sir Charles Walker accuses ministers of a Christmas coronavirus cover-up as he claims they waited for MPs to go on holiday before announcing Tier 4 to avoid backlash in the Commons Sir Charles Walker, the vice chairman of the influential 1922 Committee of Conservative MPs, said he believed ministers 'knew on Thursday' they were going to toughen curbs for the festive period. Parliament broke for its Christmas holiday on Thursday which means the Government's new coronavirus restrictions have been rolled out without a debate or a vote. Health Secretary Matt Hancock today said MPs will be able to have their say on the Tier 4 measures when they return to the Commons in January. Sir Charles has called for Cabinet resignations over what he believes has been a Christmas coronavirus cover-up. Sir Charles told BBC Radio 4's The World At One programme: 'The Government, in my view, knew on Thursday, possibly even Wednesday, that they were going to pull the plug on Christmas but they waited till Parliament had gone. 'That, on top of everything else, is a resigning matter. I am not asking for the Government to collapse. I am asking for a secretary of state to take some responsibility.' Earlier today, Mr Hancock insisted ministers were only informed on Friday that an increase in infections in London and the South East of England was linked to a mutant new strain of coronavirus. Boris Johnson then announced the new Tier 4 measures and tighter Christmas rules yesterday. However, Sir Charles suggested the Government was seeking to avoid renewed parliamentary scrutiny after MPs had previously backed a relaxation of the controls for five days over the Christmas period. He said: 'I think many colleagues find that extremely egregious. The Christmas period was passed into law by the House of Commons in a vote after a debate. 'The view of most colleagues was for that to be changed, another vote would be required in the House of Commons. 'So I suspect a decision was delayed until we were safely away back to our constituencies.'

Senior Tory Suggests PM And Scientists Kept MPs In Dark Over Covid Strain Sir Desmond Swayne is one of several backbenchers demanding a recall of the Commons. Grant Shapps has disputed the claims. MPs have been told to be on standby for any urgent breakthrough in the Brexit trade talks, with a recall of parliament possible between now and December 31, the deadline for the UK leaving its “transition period” under EU rules. But the new Covid regulations which came into force at midnight on Saturday night do not need Commons approval as they are part of emergency laws used by health secretary Matt Hancock to police the pandemic. Robert Kennedy Jr. Warns Of Coup To Overcome World Democracies

Robert Kennedy Jr. warns again of the Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media agenda that will enslave the human race if brought to fruition: "This is pharmaceutical-driven, biosecurity agenda that will enslave the human race and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare, where apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed will be running our lives, and ruining our children".

The National Institutes of Health has awarded contracts to seven organizations working on digital health solutions for COVID-19 involving smartphones and wearable “biosensors” – so who are these companies? On September 15, the National Institutes of Health announced that they had awarded contracts to seven companies developing digital health solutions for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), part of the NIH, selected the seven projects put forth by the organizations. The contracts are worth up to $22.8 million and will focus on using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other methods, combined with smartphone apps, wearable devices, and software “that can identify and trace contacts of infected individuals, keep track of verified COVID-19 test results, and monitor the health status of infected and potentially infected individuals.”

Location tracking apps. Spyware to enforce quarantine. Immunity passports. Throughout 2020, governments around the world deployed invasive surveillance technologies to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. But heavy-handed tactics like these undercut public trust in government, precisely when trust is needed most. They also invade our privacy and chill our free speech. And all too often, surveillance technologies disparately burden people of color. In the United States, EFF and other digital rights advocates turned back some of the worst proposals. But they’ll be back in 2021. Until the pandemic ends, we must hold the line against ill-considered surveillance technologies.

If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before. And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet. This is a study of The Future of Vaccines. Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020)

It states the following: “4.6 Fertility, pregnancy and lactation Pregnancy There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2. Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine. BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy. For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.”

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition In the petition above, it states the following: “The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.”

Until one day, this strange institution called the World Health Organization – once glorious because it was mainly responsible for the eradication of smallpox – has suddenly decided to delete everything I just wrote from cell biology basics. It has literally changed the science in a Soviet-like way. It has removed with the delete key any mention of natural immunities from its website. It has taken the additional step of actually mischaracterizing the structure and functioning of vaccines ….. However, in a screenshot dated November 13, 2020, we read the following note that somehow pretends as if human beings do not have immune systems at all but rather rely entirely on big pharma to inject things into our blood…..What this note at the World Health Organization has done is deleted what amounts to the entire million-year history of humankind in its delicate dance with pathogens. You could only gather from this that all of us are nothing but blank and unimprovable slates on which the pharmaceutical industry writes its signature. In effect, this change at WHO ignores and even wipes out 100 years of medical advances in virology, immunology, and epidemiology. It is thoroughly unscientific – shilling for the vaccine industry in exactly the way the conspiracy theorists say that WHO has been doing since the beginning of this pandemic. WHO (secretly) changed their definition of “Herd Immunity” - Global health body dishonestly alters meaning, claims you need a vaccine to achieve it.

I would like to advocate for the need for researchers and academicians from the global community to develop and test new models that could work to fight against corruption in global health, and to funders to support this effort. This task is urgent; corruption is the biggest threat for the future of health globally….. It is estimated that the world spends more than US$7 trillion on health services, and that at least 10–25% of global spending is lost directly through corruption, representing hundreds of billions of dollars lost each year. These billions lost to corruption exceed WHO's estimations of the amount needed annually to fill the gap in assuring universal health coverage globally by 2030. However, the true cost of corruption for people is impossible to quantify because it can mean the difference between wellness and illness, and life and death.

WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives The World Health Organization released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives. While this information is accurate, it has also been available for months, so we must ask: why are they reporting it now? Is it to make it appear the vaccine works?..... Many articles have been written about it, by many experts in the field, medical journalists and other researchers. It’s been commonly available knowledge, for months now, that any test using a CT value over 35 is potentially meaningless. / / Dr Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR process, was clear that it wasn’t meant as a diagnostic tool, saying: “with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.” This has all been public knowledge since the beginning of the lockdown. The Australian government’s own website admitted the tests were flawed, and a court in Portugal ruled they were not fit for purpose. Even Dr Anthony Fauci has publicly admitted that a cycle threshold over 35 is going to be detecting “dead nucleotides”, not a living virus. Despite all this, it is known that many labs around the world have been using PCR tests with CT values over 35, even into the low 40s. So why has the WHO finally decided to say this is wrong? What reason could they have for finally choosing to recognise this simple reality? The answer to that is potentially shockingly cynical: We have a vaccine now. We don’t need false positives anymore. After months of flooding the data pool with false positives, miscounting deaths “by accident”, adding “Covid19 related death” to every other death certificate…they can stop. The create-a-pandemic machine can be turned down to zero again. / /

This has been a year of astonishing policy failure. We are surrounded by devastation conceived and cheered by intellectuals and their political handmaidens. The errors number in the thousands, so please consider the following little more than a first draft, a mere guide to what will surely be unearthed in the coming months and years. We trusted these people with our lives and liberties and here is what they did with that trust.

ONLY 388 people aged under 60 without underlying health conditions have died of coronavirus in hospitals across England, NHS data shows. The figure is just 0.8 per cent of all Covid fatalities recorded in English hospitals between April 2 and December 23. UK Statistic Tweet = Cancel Culture / Hugo Talks #Lockdown

Indepth investigative report on connections between pharmaceuticals companies and the eugenics / depopulation agendas of academia While the controversies surrounding the vaccine’s trials did ultimately undermine its previous frontrunner status, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine remains heavily promoted as the vaccine of choice for the developing world, as it is cheaper and has much less complicated storage requirement than its main competitors, Pfizer and Moderna……To fully finance Hill and Gilbert’s Vaccitech, and specifically its quest to develop a universal flu vaccine, Oxford Science Innovations sought £600 million from “outside investors,” chief among them the Wellcome Trust and the venture-capital arm of Google, Google Ventures. This means that Google is poised to make a profit from the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine at a time when its video platform YouTube has moved to ban COVID-19 vaccine–related content that shines a negative light on COVID-19 vaccines, including the Oxford-AstraZeneca candidate. Other investors in Vaccitech include Sequoia Capital’s Chinese branch and the Chinese pharmaceutical company Fosun Pharma. In addition, the UK government has put an estimated £5 million into the company and is also expected to make a return on the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine…..arguably most troubling of all is the direct link of the vaccine’s lead developers to the Wellcome Trust and, in the case of Adrian Hill, the Galton Institute, two groups with longstanding ties to the UK Eugenics movement. The latter organization, named for the “father of eugenics” Francis Galton, is the re-named UK Eugenics Society, a group notorious for its promotion of racist pseudoscience and efforts to “improve racial stock” by reducing the population of those deemed inferior for over a century."

Disability rights activist Adam Pearson on the lasting effect of eugenics Co-host of the new BBC documentary Eugenics: Science’s Greatest Scandal, speaks to us about making the documentary and discovering what his life would’ve been like as a disabled man in Britain in the early 20th Century. The eugenics movement Britain wants to forget - In the first of a three-part series to mark disability history month, Victoria Brignell looks back at the way the UK and USA have treated disabled people and uncovers a history that both countries would prefer to forge. (2019) In the twisted story of eugenics, the bad guy is all of us - Francis Galton is rightly criticised for advancing this immoral, racist non-science. But remember, his ideas were mainstream Membership

Back in the summer, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates admitted during a virtual TED Talk that his plan is to require all humans to obtain digital vaccine passports before being allowed to travel again post-COVID. Since that time, however, Gates and his allies have attempted, but failed, to memory hole all evidence of this statement…. only thing that now pops up are edited versions of it that remove the portion where Gates admits to wanting to track and trace humanity with plandemic microchips and quantum dot tattoos. “So eventually there will be sort of this digital immunity proof that you know will help facilitate the global reopening up, um,” Gates stated in the original footage, which as far as we can tell has been scrubbed everywhere except for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Instagram page.

Bill Gates Is The Biggest Depopulationist Alive - Bill Gates has doubled down on his goal to depopulate the planet, using deceitful Orwellian doublespeak in a new video to bamboozle his naive followers into believing that “by making people healthier, we can reduce the world’s population”.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates believes a return to “normal” life is further down the road for the US than people expect, despite a Covid-19 vaccine being approved and distributed this week. Conceding that by the summer of 2021, the US should be “way closer to normal than we are now,” Gates, who has donated millions to vaccination efforts through his foundation, believes a full return to normal will likely not be possible until after 2022. The billionaire told CNN on Sunday that “unless we help other countries get rid of this disease” and see “high vaccination rates” within the US, the “risk of reintroduction” will be possible. “Big public gatherings” should continue to be banned and most bars and restaurants around the country should “sadly” be closed to curb infection rates, according to Gates. A real return to normal, he theorized, is possible only after 12 to 18

For the first time since the restoration of the Monarchy in England in 1660 Christmas has been abolished in many parts of the country. The original abolition of Christmas came just 417 years and three days earlier when a previous Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell, came to power following the English Civil War.

For months, readers may have heard us discuss “COVID passports,” “immunity passports,” or at least speak on the subject of those who don’t get tested for COVID-19 or vaccinated will face travel restrictions…..In the April and May timeframe, the mayor of the French city of Nice and Bill Gates were among the most prominent voices discussing health passports. Even after the virus pandemic ends, these health passports will be sticking around could offer evidence that a traveler has been vaccinated – not just for COVID-19, but any other disease. Covid Vaccinations Are Already Creating A Two Tier Caste System - From conspiracy theory to conspiracy fact, Singapore Airlines this week is the first major carrier to introduce a digital health certificate to verify passengers’ testing history and vaccination status while Spain has announced that it will now create a register of people who refuse the Covid vaccine.

The rollout of COVID-19 immunity certificates across the UK could become a reality in 2021. A draft of the scheme, one where people who have contracted the virus and have recovered, or have naturally develop antibodies to fight the virus, could be given the golden ticket to resume a normal life. UK’s Downing Street plans covid passes for anyone who gets two COVID-19 negative tests per week or has immunity to the virus or has yet to contract the virus. The Telegraph notes Whitehall officials are planning to call the scheme “freedom passes.” The strategy is a move to jump-start the ailing economy next year by allowing healthy people to conduct daily activities without being impeded by strict social-distancing measures.

A COVID vaccine is not even available yet, but the mainstream media is already full of stories about whether or not it is legal for employers to fire employees that refuse to take it.

Even assuming an entirely safe and effective vaccination, it is something of a step to proclaiming the entire population of a country is on a par with mental health patients who have been deemed enough of a danger to themselves and others to warrant medical treatment under detention. Compulsory interference with a person’s bodily integrity is not something that a democratic society will tolerate without detailed regulations and specialist tribunals in place. Lack of mental capacity coupled with risk to health of the individual and to the public is the only justification we have for such a draconian measure. We have long passed the point where patients are held to be responsible for their own health. But imposing upon the population an intrusive regime to enforce individuals’ responsibility for public health is an entirely different matter.

The Taoyuan City Fire Department dispatched 76 employees, 28 fire engines and 2 ambulances to the fire site. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation. O Liberty Times Reported That the SCI Pharmtech plant produces active pharmaceutical ingredients for the production of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and is the second largest supplier of HCQ raw materials in the world.

FCA warns lenders over mistreating customers facing hardship during Covid crisis. Barclays has been hit with a £26m fine for poor treatment of more than 1.5 million struggling borrowers, prompting the City regulator to warn lenders over mistreating customers facing financial hardship during the Covid crisis. It is the largest fine ever issued by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for a breach of consumer credit rules….. Last month, research by the debt charity StepChange showed that borrowing and arrears linked to the pandemic has surged 66% since May to £10.3bn. The number of people who are in severe debt also jumped to 1.2 million – nearly doubling since March. A further 3 million people are at risk of falling into arrears after taking on extra short-term loans.

Stephen C.A. Walroud, the leader of the largest party on Curaçao, has announced in an interview with the Dutch channel Virus Truth that the Netherlands is forcing its government to take far-reaching measures in the matter of corona policy.……..“Otherwise we will get code orange or red. Then there will be no more tourists and we will lose the financial support from the Netherlands. That leaves a hole in the budget of one billion euros. The treasury has been empty since the first shutdown. We have no more strength and are in an impossible situation. We are forced to compromise the living conditions of our population. We are being blackmailed by the world and the Netherlands”. The curious case of the IMF loans for Belarus​ - Back in June I noted that Belarus’ president Alexander Lukashenko publicly snubbed a $940 million line of credit from the International Monetary Fund. He rejected it because the IMF conditioned the loan on Belarus imposing a strict Covid 19 lockdown policy and a curfew.

The Canadian government has announced that it’s implementing a pan-Canadian no-fault vaccine injury support program for all Health Canada approved vaccines. According to the government, the program “will ensure that all Canadians have to have fair access to support in the rare event that they experience an adverse reaction to a vaccine. This program will also bring Canada in line with its G7 counterparts with similar programs, and ensure the country remains competitive in accessing new vaccines as they become available.”

Although people have tragically died from Covid-19, the way the Covid-19 death data is recorded in many countries around the world has produced, and continues to produce, an inflated death toll. This inflated death toll has then been, and continues to be, used by fascist-style bureaucracies, in conjunction with scientific priesthoods, to terrify the general public into obedience. One of the most basic laws of statistics is that correlation does not equal causation. Although this may sound complicated, it’s not. It simply means that just because there is a correlation between two variables, or to put this another way, a close relationship between two things in the world, this does not mean that one thing is causing the other thing to happen.

The World Health Organization’s head should be probed over genocide, a claim filed with the ICC by a US Nobel Peace Prize nominee says, adding that the Ethiopian may be involved in many crimes at home. The current World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus “was a crucial decision maker in relation to security service actions that included killing, arbitrarily detaining and torturing Ethiopians,” a complaint filed with the International Criminal Court (ICC) says. China's reaction to the coronavirus outbreak violates human rights - Chinese police punished frontline doctors for “spreading rumours” for trying to warn the public in late December. Police are still engaged in a campaign to detain Chinese netizens for spreading so-called “rumours”….. The WHO’s admiration for the unitary actions of the Chinese dictator Xi Jinping exercising power in an arbitrary manner is a direct contradiction of its own human rights principles. Why the Corruption of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the Biggest Threat to the World’s Public Health of Our Time – (2015) Swine Flu A/H1N1 we had in the 2009 pandemic). So now compare this to the fact that WHO warned the world that many million people would die from it. Remember that WHO declared that we faced a deathly, horrible influenza pandemic, comparable to the Spanish flu in 1918-19, which killed about 40 million people. And consider the impact of this. In many countries the panic was total. In Egypt the government ordered all pigs slaughtered [56]; in Mexico the government closes all restaurants and public places [56]. In Asia the borders into China, Japan, Nepal and a number of other countries were closed for everybody with a fewer. A hundred million travelers had their travel prolonged with security checks for hours. Thousands of passengers with common colds were sent back home.

Censorship is now out of control. And there's a War on Truth underway that is following the same sort of playbook as the intentional muddying of the science behind smoking, or how the sugar industry waged a very successful campaign to sell their products while making millions of people sick. Together these forces are combining to hold back effective - uh - medical responses (see, I can't use the actual words I want to use for fear of censorship) which is costing lives and livelihoods. Today we hammer on some more terrible reporting exposing the ways in which is it truly awful. War on Truth: Our response to censorship & bad reporting - ….once you are signed into this site (which requires registration for all newcomers) you will be able to access (for free, of course) today’s video which builds upon and goes further than the one posted to YouTube. Why are we doing this? Because we cannot risk being deplatformed. We already have had one video taken down by YouTube for our strictly scientific coverage of a review paper of Ivermectin (IVM) put out by some of the most accomplished critical care medical doctors in the world.

Mr Ellwood said: "This remains the biggest crisis we have faced since the war, it is a dangerous and enduring emergency, we must not forget that. The talkRADIO host replied: "Yet we do not have particularly excess mortality at this current time. "We are not seeing anything like the number of people dying from Covid. "In London, we keep seeing the word surge being used yet the peak was in April….. Mr Ellwood responded: "This country has not faced a pandemic in our generation on this scale, let’s make that really clear. "Cases are still well above what they were in April." The talkRADIO host said: "Tobias, we weren’t testing people in April." Video: Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood clashes with Julia Hartley-Brewer over the 5 days of Christmas

Increasingly draconian lockdown measures, economic destitution, and sweeping police powers are evaporating public trust and eroding public patience. As the alleged “second wave” of the Coronavirus “pandemic” is reported to be sweeping across Europe in recent weeks, many governments have enthusiastically embraced their totalitarian side and granted themselves sweeping new “emergency powers” alongside new lockdown measures. The public has been markedly less co-operative this time around. Rebelling against the seemingly arbitrary limitations which are not supported by either science or common sense. Protests have taken place all across the continent.

In case you missed it, on November 18, the German parliament passed a law, the so-called “Infection Protection Act” (“Das Infektionsschutzgesetz” in German) formally granting the government the authority to issue whatever edicts it wants under the guise of protecting the public health. The government has been doing this anyway — ordering lockdowns, curfews, travel bans, banning demonstrations, raiding homes and businesses, ordering everyone to wear medical masks, harassing and arresting dissidents, etc. — but now it has been “legitimized” by the Bundestag, enshrined into law, and presumably stamped with one of those intricate official stamps that German bureaucrats like to stamp things with….. As the Protection Act was being legitimized (i.e., the current one, not the one in 1933), tens of thousands of anti-totalitarian protesters gathered in the streets, many of them carrying copies of the Grundgesetz (i.e., the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany), which the parliament had just abrogated. They were met by thousands of riot police, who declared the demonstration “illegal” (because many of the protesters were not wearing masks), beat up and arrested hundreds of them, and then hosed down the rest with water cannons. The German media — which are totally objective, and not at all like Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda in the Nazi era — dutifully reminded the German public that these protesters were all “Corona Deniers,” “far-right extremists,” “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “neo-Nazis,” and so on, so they probably got what they deserved.

Families with toddlers who plan to travel over the holidays may want to avoid booking flights with United Airlines. That is, unless they can be sure any child under two years old can keep a mask on their face for an entire flight. As shown in a recent viral video, United is booting families from their aircraft for toddlers’ “non-compliance” with their mask policy — a policy unfortunately in place, at least in writing, with most other airlines as well…… In a two-minute video posted on Dec. 11, since removed for no apparent reason by Instagram and Twitter, mother and Colorado resident Eliz Orban tearfully describes the experience then inserts footage of her masked husband attempting to put a surgical mask on the little girl while seated in the plane. The girl holds her hands up to her face, cries, and buries her head in his arm to avoid the mask….. In September, a similar incident went viral when a couple and their child were removed from a WestJet flight after they couldn’t get a 19-month-old to wear a mask at the insistence of WestJet staff.

A woman who was denied entry to her mother's Yorkshire care home had her window visit cut short after raising concern about her mother's wellbeing. This comes after new guidelines promise mass testing and entry for those visitors who test negative. RT UK is a channel based in London covering British news and politics, protests and interviews with people who make a difference.

A family who say lockdown has had a devastating impact on their grandma's mental health have vowed to 'break her out' of her care home for Christmas - even if it means a stay in prison. Marion Panzica, 82, lives in a care home in Droylsden after her daughter moved her down from Scotland to be closer to loved ones. She has leukemia and suffers from the lung condition COPD. It's suspected she has the first signs of dementia. During lockdown, Marion's family say, she has become despondent, confused, and no longer recalls the name of her beloved great-grandson. Her family feel strongly that she needs a stay at home with them for her mental wellbeing. But Marion has a 'Deprivation of Liberty Order' and the care home has told her daughter Lisa Cowan that she needs to meet with a social worker to arrange to bring her home for contact with her loved ones.

“There’s still no hard evidence that hospitality venues are a significant contributor for the spike in infections…..The Government is cracking down on hospitality for an increase in the infection rates that occurred during a period when hospitality was forcibly closed. It makes no sense. “So many pubs, restaurants, bars, cafes and hotels, having invested so much to make their venues safe, are only just clinging on by the skin of their teeth, but will be forced to take another huge hit. The burden of a region being moved into tier 3 falls almost exclusively on hospitality businesses. It is an illogical tactic that fails to tackle COVID effectively but does push businesses closer towards failure. Boris is destroying hospitality sector for rich mates under coronavirus pretext - While small business hospitality companies are being annihilated, the large known "delivery" companies are coining it in taking huge cuts of their revenue for food delivery from the restaurants still able to limp on. Andy Jones, owner of Jones & Sons tells it like it is in the real world….months “if we manage it well.”

Government 'right to back number of horses’ but accountability contracts ‘highly unusual’, says MP. Vaccinating the population against coronavirus will cost taxpayers up to £11.7bn, the public spending watchdog has estimated. The National Audit Office (NAO) said the sum would be spent buying and making Covid-19 jabs for the UK, deploying them in England and helping global efforts to find a vaccine. But the figure does not cover the costs of any future potential multi-year vaccination programmes. And it warned the taxpayer may incur additional costs because the vaccine contracts contain a form of indemnity protection for the pharmaceutical companies in case of any legal action arising from adverse effects from the vaccines.

By plunging London into a Tier Three lockdown, the Government is going to do terrible harm to the city, the entire national economy, and to millions of lives. No one can predict the number of people who will lose jobs, suffer poor mental health or who will have life-saving operations postponed until too late…. when Matt Hancock announced the latest restrictions yesterday, there was no mention of the fact that, according to the latest data on the Government's online Covid tracker, the weekly average number of Covid deaths in the capital is just over a tenth of what it was at its peak in April. Nor did he highlight that weekly average Covid admissions to London's hospitals are a quarter of what were in the spring. Crucially, that disparity is equally large for the number of severely ill Covid patients using mechanical ventilation beds. Instead of addressing this reality, each day the Government insists on only telling us how many people have died after testing positive for Covid-19, implying that they were killed by the virus.

Dr Mike Yeadon’s fascinating ariticle on the Pseudo Epidemic got me thinking. The Government likes to highlight how bad this year has been by citing only the five-year average of deaths by comparing one week with its counterpart over previous years. So, I decided to play the same game but by looking back over eleven years….. In the end you can make of these figures what you will. The absolute truth is as ever elusive. There’s no attempt here to pretend we don’t have a serious public health issue to confront and deal with. But it doesn’t take much scrutiny to see what some statisticians call ‘Number Theatre’ is afoot and as we’ve all discovered the price of a ticket to see the show is exorbitant.

Scientists have warned that the easing of coronavirus restrictions over Christmas will cause a spike in infections, as London and some surrounding areas prepare to enter Tier 3. Speaking to Mike Graham on talkRADIO, former World Health Organsation's Professor Karol Sikora criticises Health Secretary Matt Hancock for using the mutation of Covid-19 "to try and justify" forcing tougher restrictions on London and the south east.

The vaccine passed all testing stages and contains a strong immune response against the virus, the ministry said. The treatment is free for all citizens and residents as per the directives of the Saudi leadership, the ministry added. The vaccination will undergo three stages, and each stage has target groups, the report said.

Post Brexit

But as the prime minister was forced to concede to me, plenty of red tape and paper work for businesses from 1 January, because we’ve left the EU’s customs union and single market.

This is the first free trade deal in history which increases the costs for businesses on both sides of the Channel. But that is what we voted for, when as a nation we backed Brexit. Nor is this the deal Boris Johnson originally wanted – because EU fisherman will for five and a half years be able to catch more fish in UK waters than he regarded as fair…….And the EU never abandoned its insistence on a "level playing field", despite Boris Johnson’s repeated assertions he was having none of it. This means the UK will have to follow EU rules on the environment, workers rights, subsidies for business and taxes or risk the imposition of tariffs – which is very different from the Canada-style deal he insisted was always the UK’s right. ITV Journalist, Robert Peston on Twitter: “Here is the EU Commission’s summary of what the free trade agreement confers on the UK compared with full EU membership. Much of what the UK “loses” is what UK voters knowingly rejected when backing Brexit.”

The Brexit Party leader insisted the agreement is not what he campaigned for or what won the Prime Minister his landslide victory in the 2019 general election. He highlighted areas he believes Mr Johnson and his chief negotiator Lord Frost caved in to Brussels on - and branded the fishing terms "rotten"….."Northern Ireland has been cut off from the rest of the UK; the European Human Rights regime will remain in place here; our coastal communities have been saddled with a rotten fishing deal; and EU firms will still be allowed to tender for UK government contracts. "In regulatory terms, the EU will hold a Sword of Damocles over Britain with the threat of immediate tariffs if they judge that Britain is being too competitive.

Does he really believe that it is an ‘advanced democratic’ principle to hold an election, or referendum, and then, if the result isn’t what the mandarins want – tell the people to vote again and again until the outcome is the one they want? Is it an ‘advanced democratic principle’ that, in a union of 27 members, a decision reached by 26 can be scuppered by one dissenting member?

And, whatever Mr Marshall claims, the EU most certainly IS dominated by Germany and France…..The EU is about as ‘democratic’ as Russia or China – neither of whom tolerate dissent in any form.

Boris Johnson is a genius at just one thing. He will always get this one question right: what’s best for me? That’s why it takes no psychoanalyst, telepathist or cup of tea leaves to read his simple mind over his great deal-or-no-deal dilemma. It has to be a deal.

When an agreement is reached, it will largely be on Europe’s terms. The EU will doubtless make some concessions on fisheries as part of last-minute haggling. But Britain will have to agree to the EU’s central demand, which is that there must be “level-playing field” rules — ensuring that the UK cannot undercut EU regulations on competition at will. The reason that the deal will be done on the EU’s terms is the same reason why the whole Brexit process has been so painful for Britain — a fundamental asymmetry in power between the two sides. Britain sends 43 per cent of its exports to the EU; Germany, France and Italy all send around 6 per cent of their exports to Britain. The population of the UK is nearly 67m; that of the EU is 447m. Even without Britain, the EU has a single market comparable in size to that of the US or China….. the Biden administration will not ride to Britain’s rescue in a confrontation with the EU. A no-deal Brexit would result in not-very-splendid isolation. That is why a deal, largely on the EU’s terms, is by far the likeliest outcome. For Boris Johnson, self-interest is always first. That's why he'll do a Brexit deal

Four and a half years since the people of the UK voted to leave the EU, the Brexit process entered into its most dramatic phase last week as the French government decided to close its borders to the UK. Ostensibly isolating itself from a new strain of the coronavirus located in the southeast of England, the decision was deemed to have been an exercise in political opportunism as French President Emmanuel Macron sought to strongarm the UK into rethinking its post-EU future and indeed agree to terms significantly less ambitious than had originally been intended. In any case, the border closure was a powerful reminder to both sides of their reliance on the interconnectivity to which Europe has grown accustomed. Having been elected on a pro-European platform, Macron quickly made clear his opposition to Europe’s second largest economy leaving the EU. Significantly less Anglophile than some of his predecessors, the French president has sought repeatedly to rebuild France’s leadership role in Europe at the expense of the UK’s ties with the continent.

IRELAND is poised to pay a big price for former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar's "misguided approach" to Brexit in the wake of yesterday's unveiling of post-Brexit trade deal between the UK and the EU, a former top diplomat has said….He added: "In reality Ireland was desperate for an EU/UK deal. "In many respects, the deal saved Ireland from the consequences of its own hardline anti-Brexit position of the last few years, something which made a no deal more likely." Led by Mr Varadkar, the Irish Government had steadfastly opposed former UK Prime Minister David Cameron's attempts to secure a new relationship with Brussels.

Post-US Election

US nuclear weapons agency hit by massive hacking campaign The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the U.S. agency that manages the nation’s stockpile of nuclear weapons, is the latest in federal agencies hacked, according to a new report on Thursday. Officials close to the matter told Politico that the NNSA has evidence of hackers gaining access to the agency’s networks in a mass spy operation that also hacked various other U.S. agencies. The officials don’t yet know what information hackers have been able to access or steal – and it may take weeks to find out. In addition to evidence of hacking in the NNSA’s networks, officials also identified suspicious network activity in the networks of The Energy Department, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories. NNSA manages the nation’s nuclear weapons, while the Sandia and Los Alamos labs perform research on nuclear weapons and nuclear power.

Who owns SolarWinds? This is a good question due to the complicated sales and purchases of related companies and individual owners over the past few years……Thoma Brava is one of the owners of SolarWinds and it also is connected to the firms that validate elections for at least half the states in the US.…… The owners of SolarWinds are closely related to Obama and the Clintons. The they also are heavily in the election business and have relations with companies and individuals in China and Hong Kong. FT: US orders emergency action after huge cyber security breach - The US has issued an emergency warning after discovering that “nation-state” hackers hijacked software used by almost all Fortune 500 companies and multiple federal agencies to gain entry to secure IT systems.

The U.S. government is still getting its arms around the scope of the Russia-linked hack that penetrated the Pentagon, Treasury, Commerce, Homeland Security and State departments (at least), and other institutions are bracing for damage. The big picture: The news, which Reuters broke Sunday, has shaken the government and larger cybersecurity world. The National Security Council reportedly held an emergency meeting over the weekend to discuss the breaches. Who was (probably) behind it. Cyber operators likely working for the SVR, a Russian intelligence service, compromised the software of IT contractor SolarWinds to gain access to these government networks — and have been potentially roaming in them since March. The group’s history. The same hacking unit, known as APT29 or Cozy Bear, hacked prominent cybersecurity vendor FireEye. Cozy Bear was also behind a major compromise in 2014 and 2015 of Pentagon, White House and State Department email systems. In the FireEye breach, Russian spies stole the tools the U.S. firm’s own hackers used to see if clients’ networks were secure — tools that, in theory, Russia could repurpose for malign hacking. The operators also seemed interested in FireEye’s government clients. The upper limit of the hack’s potential reach: Some 18,000 SolarWinds customers - not individuals, institutions — may have been breached in the campaign, said SolarWinds…. As the China-linked hack of the Office of Personnel Management showed, if an adversary pries its way into these spaces, the result can be devastating.

By now most people reading this are aware (or should be aware) that the trans Atlantic financial system has been set to melt down under a $1.5 quadrillion derivatives time bomb being held together by a mix of wishful thinking, hyperinflationary money printing and vast unpayable securitized debts waiting to default. It should also come as no surprise that the Great Reset Agenda designed to coordinate the “post-COVID world order” has nothing to do with any actual pandemic, and everything to do with imposing a new bankers’ dictatorship onto the nations of the earth. If you are uncertain about these claims, I invite you to read my recent study “What the Great Reset Architects Don’t Want you to Know About Economics”..... Much like the US Constitution itself, these principles largely remained ink on parchment as a new age of Cold Warriors, Rhodes Scholars and Fabians directed from British Intelligence created NATO, divided the world among the lighter skinned haves and darker skinned have nots while unleashing a system of endless wars onto the earth under a new Pax Americana. These are the forces like Lord Mark Malloch Brown and George Soros who together have poured billions of dollars into promoting the post-nation state order using anti-UN Charter doctrines like Responsibility to Protect (R2P), overthrowing governments with color revolutions and running a current coup against President Trump. Author EXPOSES Bipartisan Consensus On Protecting Corporate Power

"Personnel is policy." This may be the most telling and scary indicator so far from the coming Biden administration. Saagar Enjeti: Media WAKES UP To Find INSANE Corruption Scandal At Heart Of Biden Team - Saagar Enjeti explains news coverage by the mainstream media and why he believes they have "forgotten" to cover corruption on the Democratic side of the aisle. Larry Fink And His Blackrock Team Poised To Take Over Hillary Clinton’s Treasury Department (2016 election) Goldman Sachs paid Hillary Clinton $675,000 for three speeches, but an even bigger Wall Street player stands ready to mold and enact her economic and financial policy if she becomes president. BlackRock is far from a household name, but it is the largest asset management firm in the world, controlling $4.6 trillion in investor funds — about a trillion dollars more than the annual federal budget, and five times the assets of Goldman Sachs. And Larry Fink, BlackRock’s CEO, has assembled a veritable shadow government full of former Treasury Department officials at his company. Fink has made clear his desire to become treasury secretary someday.

Austin oversaw U.S. operations in the Middle East until March 2016, a year after the Saudi-led intervention began. He retired from the military the next month and later joined the board of United Technologies, a defense contractor that merged with Raytheon earlier this year…..And both Austin and Antony Blinken — Biden’s nominee for secretary of state — have ties to Pine Island Capital Partners, a large investment firm that has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for acquisitions in defense companies this year, according to the New York Times. Led by John Thain, the chief executive of Merrill Lynch at the time of its collapse in 2008, Pine Island boasts of an “experienced investment team with a group of deeply-connected and accomplished former senior government and military officials,” according to its website. In documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the firm notes that its team not only has “extensive connections to industry leaders,” but “unusual access to information.” Just last month, Pine Island raised $218 million to finance investments in “businesses in the defense, government service and aerospace industries.”

Remember back in 2016, when The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Guardian, the Washington Post, The Inquirer, and other such “leading respectable broadsheets,” and online magazines like Mother Jones, Forward, Slate, Salon, Vox, Alternet, and countless others, warned that Trump was sending secret anti-Semitic “dog whistle” signals to his underground army of Nazi terrorists by talking about “international banks,” “global elites,” the “political establishment,” and even “corporations” and “lobbyists” … all of which was supposedly code for “the Jews,” who he was going to exterminate if won the election?..... Seriously, fascism, Hitler, the Holocaust … these are solemn, sensitive subjects. They’re not just convenient emotional buttons that you can press to whip folks into a frenzy of mindless paranoia and murderous hatred whenever you feel like demonizing some foreign leader or unauthorized president. The same goes for racism and anti-Semitism. These are real issues, which people care about. They’re not just glorified marketing buzz words that you can pull out of your bag of cheap tricks and slap onto your enemies like they don’t mean anything.

On Wednesday, December 2nd Donald Trump – the sitting President of the United State of America – released a 46 minute recorded speech. In an alarming display of co-ordinated censorship, much of the media simply refused to air it. In the speech (embedded above) he details all the suspicious behaviour surrounding the November 3rd election, as well as showing charts of evidence of peculiar activity in the vote counts of key swing states. None of the major networks aired it in full. CNN simply refused to broadcast even clips, instead letting the millionaire son of a political dynasty lecture the viewing public in a bizarre ten-minute long abuse-laden rant.

A forensic audit of voting equipment produced by Dominion Voting Systems and used in the State of Michigan for the 2020 election has found major irregularities in the tabulation of votes. The audit found a 68% error rate in Antrim County, where thousands of votes for U.S. President Donald J. Trump were wrongly "flipped" to former Vice President Joe Biden on November 3, 2020. The high error rate was, according to the auditors, due to an algorithm placed inside the Dominion software that assigned different weights to votes cast for different candidates at a 2/3 to 1/3 ratio. This allowed election officials to apply a weighted numerical value to candidates and change the overall result. The declaration of winners was done on a basis of points, not votes, according to the auditors.

So, the electoral college cast their votes, and they handed Joe Biden the Presidency. The decision was never in any serious doubt. We’ve been over the evidence the election was rigged, we’ve discussed at length the potential corruption of postal ballots (historically the least safe way to vote, and most liable to fraud). There’s no need to go over it again. Given all that, it was inevitable the Electoral College would vote Biden in, and the lawsuits would be turned out of court unheard. You don’t go to the trouble of fixing a nationwide election and without knowing you have the judges and bureaucrats on-side first. When you’re staging a coup, the vast majority of the work is behind the scenes – securing the loyalty of soldiers and officials and media mouthpieces. You don’t actually act until the last minute, one frenzied moment of violent change, then a steady period securing of your position.

On Tuesday December 15, President Donald Trump sent out a series of messages that shudder of law and order, giving off the feeling that greater law enforcement action is imminent to preserve the integrity of US elections, now and for the future. On Tuesday December 15, President Donald Trump sent out a series of messages that shudder of law and order, giving off the feeling that greater law enforcement action is imminent to preserve the integrity of US elections, now and for the future.


The situation for believers in China has been extremely difficult, as Xi Jinping and the Communist Party gradually prepare for what seems like a final assault to try to rid Christianity from the country once and for all…..To that end, the government has openly announced plans to "reinterpret" the Bible and other religious texts, so they will have "socialist characteristics". A glimpse into what that might look like was seen recently when a government publisher altered the ending of the account of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery. Their blasphemous version now has Jesus concluding his talk by saying: "I too am a sinner," instead of, "Go now and leave your life of sin."…This year, tens of thousands of house church pastors and evangelists have gone missing, especially in those provinces with a large concentration of Christians. Most of those tens of thousands are still alive, but in preparation for the struggle ahead, they have gone into hiding. They have completely disconnected from all phones and computers, because those devices are used by the government to track their location. Furthermore, each person in China must have an ID card. It is impossible for a person to catch a flight or train, open a bank account, get a job, or rent an apartment without using their card. Each ID card contains a computer chip which is also used to track people's movements. Many Christian leaders, before they go into hiding, have placed their cards inside a microwave oven for a few seconds, which ruins the chips and renders them useless.

The new food laws which have been imposed in China are draconian, almost prisoner-based and “epitomise the mentality of Beijing in 2020”, says Sky News host Chris Smith. “Diners who don’t eat all their food at restaurants in China will be fined under a new law designed to reduce food waste,” Mr Smith said. “Local governments will be in charge of inspecting plates and ensuring every last crumb has been consumed.”

Revelations this month about California Democrat, Rep. Eric Swalwell's relationship with a Chinese spy, highlight Beijing's complete penetration of American society.

Why should we care about China's influence over Hollywood? When mass market films and other media are produced with a narrative to make China happy, Western culture is slowly being influenced in such a way that goes way beyond enjoying simple entertainment.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Monday declined to open an investigation into allegations of genocide against Uighur Muslims in China, but it left the file open. Why it matters: This means that more evidence can be submitted on claims of genocide by Chinese authorities against Uighur Muslims and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, northwest China, and the ICC could still open an investigation. Driving the news: The office of ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said in a report the "precondition for the exercise of the court's territorial jurisdiction did not appear to be met" as the evidence concerned alleged crimes and suspects in China, which is not a signatory to the global court. Travesty of Justice at the International Criminal Court? - The Prosecutor's Response seems to create new international law where non-binding resolutions can change legally binding agreements in order to prosecute Israeli leaders and Israeli Jews for war crimes....The limitations of the Palestinian Authority's jurisdiction in the Oslo Accords do not permit transferring jurisdiction to the ICC. Those limitations cannot be changed or disregarded…. "Palestine", according to the International Court of Justice (ICL), is not a state.

China has sentenced citizen journalist Zhang Zhan to four years in prison after a brief hearing in Shanghai, her lawyer told reporters on Monday. Zhang, 37, covered the coronavirus outbreak from its initial epicenter in Wuhan in February……Zhang is the first journalist put on trial for her coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. However, three other citizen journalists who reported from Wuhan — Chen Qiushi, Fang Bin and Li Zehua — have all been missing since February. Eight whistleblowers have already been punished for criticizing the government's response to the pandemic.

UK businesses must investigate where they get their cotton to avoid buying material grown by slave labour, according to a member of an influential parliamentary committee. The call comes in the aftermath of a BBC investigation. Documents show that China is forcing hundreds of thousands of Uighurs and other minorities into hard labour.

China is forcing hundreds of thousands of Uighurs and other minorities into hard, manual labour in the vast cotton fields of its western region of Xinjiang, according to new research seen by the BBC. Based on newly discovered online documents, it provides the first clear picture of the potential scale of forced labour in the picking of a crop that accounts for a fifth of the world’s cotton supply and is used widely throughout the global fashion industry.

At the same time as seeking control of world supply chains, Xi wants the local economy to provide for itself. Mr Xi has also been moving to fill the power vacuum in Asia as the US retreats. Several days after signing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership trade pact, Mr Xi also expressed China’s willingness to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. Mr Trump’s first commitment when he took office in January 2017 was to leave the TPP, a key policy of the previous administration under Barack Obama in his pivot to Asia. Mr Xi is also busy preparing for his extended reign beyond the Communist party’s next quinquennial national congress in 2022. Saagar Enjeti: CCP Member CAUGHT REVEALING How China Will Use Wall Street To Control Joe Biden

Southern Mongolia, or Inner Mongolia as the Chinese Communist Party calls it, erupted in some of the biggest protests in China since the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacred, because of a campaign of cultural genocide that would have banned the Mongolian language from schools in Southern Mongolia. But these are the descendants of Genghis Khan. Civil unrest was a given and a new wave Mongol resistance enters into Chinese history. They weren't going to give up without a fight. The situation for Mongols is very similar as the Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

Telecoms providers must stop installing Huawei equipment in the UK’s 5G networks from next September, the government has said. The digital secretary, Oliver Dowden, set out a roadmap to remove high-risk vendors ahead of the telecommunications (security) bill coming before parliament. The legislation would create national security powers capable of imposing controls on when – if at all – a telecoms firm could use material supplied by companies such as Huawei. Huawei's £1bn research centre near Cambridge approved Keith Krach, US under-secretary of state for economic growth, has been against the plans for the research centre, labelling it the "expansion of the surveillance state". This is sentence is worrying because Boris and his government, stated earlier this year, to stop using this company, even going so far as building a 10-nation alliance against the tech company. It appears, with all their rhetoric, China still rules. The US Defense Department has determined that 20 top Chinese firms, including Huawei, are either owned by or backed by the Chinese military. The Trump administration brought fresh sanctions against the Chinese company, citing security fears, last month. Ex Huawei Chairman: It was a mistake for the UK to deny 5G involvement | LBC - Lord Browne says it was a mistake for the UK to stop Huawei being involved in the UK’s 5G network. The former Huawei chairman said despite concerns, ‘no one ever saw any security issues develop’.

US President Donald Trump has signed into law a Bill which calls for establishing a US consulate in Tibet and building an international coalition to ensure that the next Dalai Lama is appointed solely by the Tibetan Buddhist community without China's interference. The Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2020 modifies and re-authorises various programmes and provisions related to Tibet. Trump signed the act on Sunday as part of the massive $2.3-trillion package for the year-end Bill to provide long-delayed coronavirus relief and fund the federal government. The US Senate last week unanimously passed the bill despite China's protest.

One of the hallmarks of the Trump Administration's foreign policy has been a sharply confrontational attitude toward the People's Republic of China. The result has been a marked deterioration in U.S.-Chinese relations over the last four years -- a deterioration that has often been described as the start of a new cold war between China and the U.S….The Trump administration has moved aggressively to limit China's access to U.S. technology and to block Chinese high-tech companies, most famously telecommunications equipment giant Huawei, from expanding globally. At the same time, it has insisted that China increase its purchases of U.S. goods, especially agricultural commodities, to offset the perennial deficit that the U.S. had in its China trade. As part of that strategy, Washington imposed a range of tariffs on Chinese goods entering the U.S. It also moved aggressively to prosecute Chinese companies engaging in the theft of American intellectual property and to limit Chinese access to American capital markets. The White House has even suggested that the U.S. should consider disengaging from China's economy.

Drilling operations of the first well of the game-changing but highly-controversial Phase 11 of Iran’s supergiant South Pars non-associated natural gas field officially began last week. Significant gas recovery from the enormous resource will commence in the second half of the next Iranian calendar year that begins on 21 March 2021. The long-stalled Phase 11 development supposedly saw the withdrawal of all Chinese involvement in October 2019. In reality, though, China is still intimately involved in its development and is looking to further scale up its activities following the inauguration of Joe Biden as U.S. President on 20 January. Along with completing the crucial Goreh-Jask pipeline oil export route by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (ending on 20 March 2021), building out its value-added petrochemicals production to at least 100 million metric tons per year by 2022, and ramping up production from its hugely oil-rich West Karoun cluster of oil fields to at least 1 million barrels per day (bpd) within the next two years, optimising the natural gas production from its South Pars gas field is a top priority for Iran.

Middle East Peace and Regional News

UN Caught Aiding “Palestinians” Conquer Judea-Samaria While condemning Israel for building legal structures, the UN is funding illegal Palestinian construction in a plan to steal Judea and Samaria from its rightful owners. UN Caught Red-Handed Stealing Israeli Land Regavim, an Israeli NGO that engages in legal advocacy, has reported on the United Nations building at least five illegal buildings this year.

While the European Union appears excited that Joe Biden will be the next US President and then they can immediately rejoin the nuclear deal and lift sanctions against the mullahs, Tehran continues its terrorism on the European soil. As the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, is urging the US to rejoin the JCPOA, one of Iran's active diplomats in Belgium is currently on trial, accused of orchestrating a terrorist operation in Europe in 2018. French officials foiled a planned bomb attack in Paris against a large "Free Iran" convention attended by tens of thousands of people, including many high-level speakers such as former US House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and Canada's former Prime Minister Stephen Harper and former Foreign Minister John Baird.

The Palestinian ruling Fatah faction has just celebrated the 56th anniversary of the launching of its first terrorist attack on January 1, 1965 by promising, in Arabic, to continue the fight to do away with Israel. On that day, Fatah terrorists attempted to bomb Israel's National Water Carrier. Meanwhile, Fatah's leader, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, is trying to persuade the Arab countries and the rest of the international community to pressure Israel to return to the negotiating table with the Palestinians. He is arguing that he is just seeking to establish an independent Palestinian state next to Israel.

Nissim Vaturi is the second Likud Knesset member to not only enter the Temple Mount, but to call for the construction of the third Temple this month.

Reports say Riyadh edging toward own deal with Israel and is pushing other Muslim countries to establish ties with Jerusalem; Indonesia, Oman tipped as likely candidates. The report did not detail the Saudi involvement in the US-brokered deal, announced Thursday, and Riyadh has not officially reacted to the accord. However, Saudi Arabia plays a central role in the region, particularly among Sunni states, leading many analysts to speculate that none of the recent normalization deals would have been allowed without a green-light from Saudi Arabia. The aftermath of Israel's On-going Normalisation with Muslim Nations

I believe one of the reasons why the Saudis are doing this is because of the strategic islands that Israel controls, and the Saudis,' as part of their 2030 Masterplan and the NEOM project, headed by the Crown Prince of Saudi, wants to create a $10bn bridge. But they need Israel and the surrounding nations. This is very significant. Interestingly, there is a website called "Bridges for Peace" that primarily promotes peace between Jews and Christians but recently it has been promoting the peace and normalisation agreements. Two articles to read about the significance of these normalisation process is Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem: from Religious Conflict to Religious Normalisation and the other is Jerusalem Post’s article titled “Two minuscule islands of enormous strategic value”. The latter seems to indicate that Saudi Arabia is pursuing peace to get Muslim countries to normalise relations with Israel in order to gain access to these islands.

Growth in bilateral trade and tourism between the UAE and Malaysia is an indicator of huge economic potential, the King of Malaysia told Emirates News Agency (WAM) in an exclusive interview. “The UAE has been one of Malaysia’s main trading partners in this region. In 2019, total trade between Malaysia and the UAE was valued at US$6.426 billion, an increase of 12.5 percent from US$5.709 billion in 2018,” said Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah. The UAE is also Malaysia’s largest export destination and second-largest source of imports in the West Asia region, he added in his first exclusive interview with a media outlet in the Arab world.

2020 was an extraordinary year in many aspects. It witnessed the largest oil demand shock in history, that led producers to the largest oil production cut in history — 9.7 million bpd — equating to almost 10 percent of global supplies — which aimed to balance the market over the medium-term…… The only thing that can support a balanced market going forward is a pickup in demand and that will eventually happen. But the shape and form of that pickup remains unpredictable.

There are ~6.5 million Jews living in Israel. There are ~7.5 million Jews living in USA they constitute more than 80% of all Jews in the world. According to a study carried out in USA, the median net worth of people believing in Judaism is calculated at 150,890 USD, while the median net worth of conservative Protestants (including Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, Christian Scientists) was 26,200 USD. The overall median in the dataset was 48,200 USD. So a Jewish person in average more than 3 times richer than an average American. 50% of all billionaires in US are Jewish. Almost all high powered Law firms are Jewish. Majority of US media is owned by Jews. This is almost the same in UK and France and most rich and developed western country. When you have such a financial clout behind you and most of your fellow-religion population (especially abroad) are well educated then you can not lose. WHAT YOU CONTROL CAN NOT HARM YOU. After the mass killings of Jews in WW2, this has been the policy of Jewish people. Having lived through 3 major attempts to have them removed from promised lands, they have realised to become more powerful militarily. Hence their military might and nuclear capability today.

Iranian dissident journalist Ruhollah Zam, who was convicted of fomenting violence during anti-government protests in 2017, was executed on Saturday, Iran's state television reported…..The son of a pro-reform Shi'ite cleric, Zam fled Iran and was given asylum in France. In October 2019, Iran's Revolutionary Guards said it had trapped Zam in a "complex operation using intelligence deception". It did not say where the operation took place. Nour News, a news agency close to the Revolutionary Guards, said last week that Zam was detained by Guards agents after he travelled to Iraq in September 2019 and brought to Iran. Iranian officials have accused the United States, as well as Tehran's regional rival Saudi Arabia and government opponents living in exile, of stoking the unrest that began in late 2017 as regional protests over economic hardship spread nationwide. Officials said 21 people were killed during the unrest and thousands were arrested. The unrest was among the worst Iran has seen in decades, and was followed by even deadlier protests last year against fuel price rises.

The endless parade of Iran’s martyr posters in Iraq and the region illustrate an attachment to the “martyrdom” of IRGC Quds Force head Qasem Soleimani, and Iran’s media are playing this up day after day. The mourning for Soleimani has reached a crescendo as the one-year anniversary of his assassination in a US airstrike arrives, and it appears that for the regime in Tehran, Soleimani has become more important in death than in life.

A process of converting local Sunnis to the Shi'ite faith is underway, as well as a limited effort to resettle the families of Shi'ite militiamen in south Syria, thereby affecting the demographic balance, which is majority Sunni. The end game is to create support bases that will enable military force build-up against Israel. ...

Evidence of Dutch and British funding for extremists who’ve beheaded children & carried out ethnic-cleansing grows by the day. Yet most of the mainstream media – including the BBC – still try to keep this truth silent. Recently, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte effectively blocked a Parliamentary motion to allow an external independent investigation of Dutch government funding of terrorist groups in Syria. Rutte initially tried to deny his involvement in the burial of the investigation but tenacious questioning from journalists forced him to admit his personal interference. According to Rutte, such an investigation could result in “tensions with our allies [...] the lives of former members of opposition groups could be put at stake.”

The UN’s humanitarian chief, Mark Lowcock, has once again sounded the alarm over the precarious conditions the Syrian people are living in while they prepare to face another harsh winter. As the 10th anniversary approaches of the start of the Civil War in March 2011, hostilities have continued to rage in northern Syria in recent weeks, putting civilians at risk. Lowcock told the Security Council on Wednesday that millions of Syrians have been displaced and impoverished, and are suffering from “trauma and deep personal loss.”

The outgoing administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has stepped up its pressure on Iran by imposing sanctions on the country’s ambassador to Yemen’s Houthi rebels. The fresh sanctions, announced on December 8, target envoy Hassan Irlu as well as the Qom-based Al-Mustafa International University for recruiting members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force as part of an effort to destabilize the situation in Yemen and Syria.

Ankara continues to claim to foreign media and friends that it seeks reconciliation with the US, European Union and Israel, even as its state- controlled media suggest the opposite. For instance, Turkey secured a piece on Voice of America about its “reconciliation” with Israel, while state- run Turkish Radio and Television bashed people from the UAE and Bahrain who visited Israel. Turkey, which has diplomatic relations with Israel, has been attempting to isolate it under its far- right Hamas- backing ruling party, the AKP….Erdogan and his team have made it clear their agenda is to “liberate al- Aqsa” and have even described Jerusalem as “ours,” asserting that the city belongs to Ankara, not Israel. Turkey recalled envoys after the US moved its embassy to Jerusalem. Yet Ankara has managed to alienate most of Europe through threats against France, Greece and other states. It has angered the US by hosting Hamas and buying Russia’s S- 400 antiaircraft system. Ankara also appears to be working closely with Russia and Iran on Syrian issues. Recently, Turkish- backed extremists began to shell the US- backed Syrian Democratic Forces in Ain Issa. Turkey has also hinted it is planning an operation in Iraq against Kurds. In the Mediterranean region Turkey’s parliament extended the role of Turkish troops in Libya, and Ankara continues to harass Greece by asserting claims to natural gas fields that conflict with Athens.

Economy / Banking / Technology

“It would be a historic act of collective statesmanship if G20 countries agreed that the bulk of the new SDR allocations should fund Africa. And if the IMF and the multilateral development banks match the first SDR allocation with funds from their own considerable resources and make good their commitments on debt relief, we have the makings of a $2tn 21st-century Marshall Plan for the developing world.”

The World Is $277 Trillion in Debt So Why Aren't Economists More Worried? It wasn't too long ago when austerity and cutting public spending was the only game in town. Debt in Greece and Italy is particularly high and Greece has already been through a number of bailouts from both the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Over Half Of The World Has Asked The IMF For Emergency Funding - Back in April, the IMF’s Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva told a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors that more than 100 countries have so far asked for emergency assistance. With many countries in full lockdown and their economies effectively in stasis, the IMF warned this week the coronavirus pandemic is plunging the global economy into its deepest slump since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

As 2020 draws to a close, many of us cannot wait for this annus horribilis to end. And for good reason: this year has seen more than a million and a half COVID-19 deaths; an economic collapse far greater than that of the 2008 financial crisis; a boiling-over of resentment against decades of racial and social injustice; record numbers of wildfires decimating millions of acres of pristine forests; and locust plagues of Biblical proportions…..As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the IMF went into overdrive…… Policymakers’ choices during this disruption could shape their economies for decades to come - Most leaders vow to “build back better” and to oversee a reallocation of resources to more COVID-safe, greener, and more productive activities. At least implicitly this entails a commitment to a more active and strategic state role in the economy than most have engaged in recently. Whether many states have the capability, or their leaders the temperament, to govern the economy more actively and more strategically than before, we are about to find out.

Stimulus payments are again in the headlines and on the horizon. But how consumers will get those payments — hundreds of millions of payments, covering hundreds of billions of dollars — well, that’s open to some discussion. And if past is prologue, as the Hill wrangles over who gets paid, how much and when, the disbursement process will be messy. That points to the need to go digital….three payments executives discussed the ways disbursements on a huge scale must make the leap beyond the paper check, beyond the ACH conduits.

The Bank for International Settlements' Innovation Hub (BISIH) Swiss Centre, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and the financial infrastructure operator SIX today announced the successful completion of a joint proof-of-concept experiment that integrates tokenised digital assets and central bank money. Project Helvetia explored the technological and legal feasibility of transferring digital assets through:

  • issuing a wholesale CBDC onto a distributed digital asset platform; and

  • linking the digital asset platform to the existing wholesale payment system.

The initiative demonstrated the feasibility and legal robustness of both alternatives in a near-live setup. What is Stablecoin and how it is related to Security Token?

Both the emergence of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and rapid advances in traditional centralised systems are moving the technological horizon of money and payments. These trends are embodied in private "stablecoins": cryptocurrencies with values tied to fiat currencies or other assets. This paper looks at market developments, how they might be monitored, the potential role of stablecoins and what this implies for their regulation….The technologies underlying money and payment systems are evolving rapidly. Both the emergence of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and rapid advances in traditional centralised systems are moving the technological horizon of money and payments.

This week the G7 finance ministers discussed regulatory responses to emerging crypto and digital assets. The meeting included G7 central bank Governors and heads of the Financial Stability Board, the IMF, and World Bank. It was hosted by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin and also covered COVID-19 measures. Crypto and digital assets, particularly the announcement of Diem (formerly Libra), have had a significant impact on the global stage. Central banks have accelerated research around central bank digital currencies (CBDC). And regulators and governments around the world are hurrying to adopt appropriate regulations before its issuance….. This latest G7 meeting comes soon after a U.S. bill targeted at regulating stablecoins was introduced last week. The STABLE Bill would amend current legislation and require stablecoin issuers to be regulated as banks. In the bill’s announcement, Congresswoman Tlaib specifically mentioned Facebook’s Diem and other proposed stablecoins by JP Morgan, Apple, and Paypal. The Plan for One World Economy - Pope Francis recently announced that he will be leading a Council for Inclusive Capitalism within the Vatican that includes a “New Alliance of Global Business Leaders” known as the ‘Guardians’: “The Council is led by a core group of global leaders, known as the “Guardians” for Inclusive Capitalism, who meet annually with Pope Francis and Cardinal Turkson.”….. Pope Francis has been pushing for a “a new global economy”, to such an extent that he has created a global initiative in his name called the ‘Economy of Francesco’ – “It was convoked by Pope Francis in 2019 when he asked economists and young people to give life to the idea of a different kind of economy… giving a new soul to global economy”.

Today, Fabio Panetta, a board member of the European Central Bank (ECB) spoke about stablecoins and the work on a digital euro during a Bundesbank speech. Panetta chairs Europe’s High Level Task Force on central bank digital currency (CBDC). He said the ECB and national central banks are exploring four areas. The first is to see whether the central bank settlement system TIPS could support a scenario with hundreds of millions of customers. Currently, only eligible payment providers directly access TIPS where settlement requires central bank money. Secondly, the interoperability between centralized systems and distributed ledger technology (DLT) will be explored. For businesses, one of the key demands for a CBDC is to be able to settle transactions instantly on-ledger. The key point here is the CBDC may not be on-ledger. This leads to the third area of investigation, the use of “payment-dedicated blockchains with electronic identity.”

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) announced the German cabinet approved its draft legislation on electronic securities, which includes blockchain-based securities. This comes soon after the introduction of the draft in August this year. We assume the legislation still has to go through parliament. The law will mean it will no longer be required to have a paper stock certificate, allowing for digital securities or tokens to be recorded on an electronic ledger and enabling digital custody. The aim is to protect investors while ensuring the integrity, functionality, and transparency of Germany’s financial markets. This also helps Germany reach some of its blockchain strategy goals set last year, which includes supporting the technology….“We are driving the digitization of Germany’s financial center with electronic securities. The paper certificate may be dear to some for nostalgic reasons, but the future belongs to its electronic version,” said German Finance Minister Olaf Sholz said. BaFin’s Minister of Justice Christine Lambrecht added, “The digitization of the financial market is already well advanced and will be accelerated even further through the use of technologies such as blockchain…..”

Yesterday the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) and the Central Bank of the UAE published the results of their joint central bank digital currency (CBDC) experiment, Project Aber. First announced two years ago, the central banks claimed their wholesale CBDC experiment had novel features, but one aspect stood out. One might have expected two CBDCs, one for each currency. Instead, there was a single CBDC issued by both central banks. And it wasn’t a basket currency. That works because both the Saudi Riyal and UAE Dirham are pegged to the U.S. dollar at the same exchange rate. Hence it’s not surprising that different interest rate policies in each country and monetary policies came up as topics for further exploration.

Bank of England Chief Economist Andy Haldane has said that digital currencies’ disruptive benefits must not be overlooked by focusing on the risks. He was speaking at TheCityUK Conference. There are concerns that if central bank digital currencies (CBDC) or stablecoins become widely used, commercial banks will struggle to attract the same level of deposits, which will impact their ability to lend. Haldane noted that a focus on this risk has meant the potential benefits of splitting payments and lending into different institutions has not been assessed…… Moving on to monetary policy and an era of negative interest rates, Haldane noted that it’s impossible to levy interest on physical cash, but it is on digital currency. He highlighted the ongoing research in these areas by the Bank of England, which published its central bank digital currency report earlier this year and also participated in the BIS CBDC report with six other central banks.

  • DA working with multiple central banks on CBDC interoperability

  • By end 2021, Digital Asset expects to have 5 of top 10 stock exchanges as clients

  • True interoperability is: cross technology, atomicity, privacy, extensibility

Digital Asset, the tech company behind the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) CHESS post-trade blockchain solution, is working with multiple central banks that are exploring central bank digital currency (CBDC) interoperability. Yuval Rooz, Digital Asset’s CEO, also expects the company will be working with more than five of the worlds’ top ten stock exchanges by the end of next year. Given that HKEX is already a top ten client, at least four more exchanges are in the pipeline.

EMTECH is rolling out its new Modern Central Bank Sandbox, which will help to streamline regulatory reviews and test central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), a press release says. The platform will also help central banks that want to collaborate with innovators on new technology. The Modern Central Bank Sandbox, according to the release, will help smooth out challenges in banking with things like "exclusion, KYC, SME lending, cross-border payments, AML/fraud," and will also enable them to innovate safely with effective oversight and quicker time to market. EMTECH aims to provide central banks with an infrastructure for digital cash. For example, EMTECH is currently working with the Central Bank of the Bahamas on its Digital Sand Dollar Currency. The release states that central banks currently have around $9 trillion in paper money. Digitizing that money can help boost liquidity for both small businesses and individuals, while also ensuring that central bank money remains an anchor for "a robust and competitive financial sector."

Zhou Xiaochuan, the Governor of the People’s Bank of China until 2018, says that the digital yuan or eCNY has been incorrectly classed as a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Writing in the ChinaFinance 40 Forum, Zhou said the digital currency is the liability of the major state-backed banks that issue it…..It’s entirely possible that details are lost in translation, but the Ministry of Commerce has also talked about using the digital currency in the future. It’s conceivable that the purpose is for trade with other Chinese territories. In the meantime, the second big public trial of the digital yuan is currently progressing in Suzhou.

California-based challenger bank Aeldra has chosen i2c Inc. to fuel its digital private banking services. The mobile bank, which was started by neo bank veterans, is seeking to reach affluent global clients with household incomes of over $100,000, according to a Tuesday (Dec. 15) announcement e-mailed to PYMNTS……As the international pandemic and ensuring economic disruption have blurred the lines between traditional forms of payment, Wain told PYMNTS in a previous interview that the largest business opportunity in the future will be in credit – with mobile becoming the largest game-changer. “The stars of financial services in 2021 will have something to do with credit,” Wain said, noting that the days of basic checking or demand draft accounts (DDA) are over. “You can’t be a star with the DDA in 2021.”Banking the rich and famous: the rise of private digital banks - The world’s richest 1% own trillions in cash, much of which is housed in highly-exclusive banks. The ancient world of private banking is getting a shake-up, with a handful of digital private-members banks on the horizon. But the ancient world of private banking is getting a shake-up, with a handful of digital private-members banks on the horizon.

Will fintechs disrupt traditional banking in 2021? With contactless and digital payments now being the norm, Oxygen Banking predicts that neobanks will dominate and traditional financial institutions will look to startups to help compete in this new reality. Oxygen Banking is a modern financial platform specifically designed to meet the unique needs of freelancers, small businesses, and digital natives. Just this week, they announced research about how COVID has impacted the shopping behaviors of people this holiday season. Fintechs to cosy up with politicians to counter ‘big bank lobby’- UK fintechs claim the sector is still "overlooked", and have launched a new founder-led lobby group

From finance and tech to work, consumer trends and energy, FT and Nikkei journalists imagine the world in five years’ time……But without strong policy action, the world of work for many others in 2025 will be worse. High unemployment in the years after the pandemic will erode the already weak bargaining power of young and low-skilled workers. Companies will retain a core of well-treated staff, but new hires in both blue and white-collar positions will increasingly be on temporary or freelance contracts…..We can look forward to a more diverse digital world by 2025. But the “winner takes most” dynamic in most markets still holds: each new category of online activity produced only one or two champions in the past, and an emerging oligopoly of digital powers is taking shape.

Digital identity and anti-fraud solutions provider OneSpan has released their predictions for 2021: The future of the banking – more AI, machine learning, biometrics and less passwords….Digital Identity based on Self-sovereign identity leveraging blockchain will emerge…..Banks will start to accept other forms of currency…..Digital identities and remote account openings will gain traction worldwide…Facial recognition will drive the greatest changes to banking regulations….Regulation is on the way for cryptocurrencies……

This week in future tech, a Chinese quantum computer can reportedly solve a problem in 200 seconds, compared to the 2.5bn years a supercomputer needs. A quantum computer developed at the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, China, has caught the world’s attention due to what appears to be a performance vastly exceeding others that exist today. China claims quantum supremacy with new supercomputer | DW News - President Xi Jinping has said research and development in quantum science is an urgent matter of national concern. And the country has invested heavily in this technology, spending billions in recent years. It has become a world leader in the field.

China conducting biological tests to create super soldiers, US spy chief says John Ratcliffe, who has served as Donald Trump’s director of national intelligence since May, made the claims in a newspaper editorial, where he warned that China “poses the greatest threat to America today”….Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Ratcliffe said: “The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the US and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically. Many of China’s major public initiatives and prominent companies offer only a layer of camouflage to the activities of the Chinese Communist Party.” Ratcliffe said China had gone to extraordinary lengths to achieve its goal. “US intelligence shows that China has even conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities,” Ratcliffe wrote. “There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing’s pursuit of power.” (2016) U.S. military spending millions to make cyborgs a reality - The U.S. military is spending millions on an advanced implant that would allow a human brain to communicate directly with computers. If it succeeds, cyborgs will be a reality. The Pentagon's research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), hopes the implant will allow humans to directly interface with computers, which could benefit people with aural and visual disabilities, such as veterans injured in combat. Can Crispr-Based Covid-19 Testing Using Smartphones Slow The Pandemic?

Newly published research in the journal Cell last week from Gladstone Institutes, University of California, San Francisco and University of California, Berkeley sets the stage for such a shift in our current paradigm for testing. Dr. Jennifer Doudna, one of the collaborating authors of this novel amplification-free RNA approach to Crispr-based smartphone testing described in this paper, was also the co-recipient (along with Emmanuelle Carpentier) of the 2020 Nobel prize in Chemistry for her pioneering work in Crispr gene editing. Paradigm for Covid-19 Screening and Surveillance National Collaborative Issues Call to Action against COVID-19 A new bipartisan group of national experts and institutions has released recommendations for a unified plan to end the pandemic. As outlined on the COVID Collaborative’s new website, the new Call to Action rests on five key pillars: testing, contract tracing, public health and social measures, vaccines and treatments, and standardized indicators to measure success across states. The collaborative has already launched several initiatives in line with its recommendations. For instance, it helped develop a $50-million vaccination education campaign informed by a survey on vaccine hesitancy in Black and Latinx communities. It also contributed to a guide on improving online learning, a toolkit to help states promote mask wearing, and a guide to equitable vaccine distribution.

Other possible interventions considered by the armed forces ethics committee include medical treatments to prevent pain, stress and fatigue, and substances that would improve mental resilience if a soldier were taken prisoner.

The French armed forces now have permission to develop "augmented soldiers" following a report from a military ethics committee. The report, released to the public on Tuesday, considers medical treatments, prosthetics and implants that improve "physical, cognitive, perceptive and psychological capacities," and could allow for location tracking or connectivity with weapons systems and other soldiers.

Just as the WEF, John Hopkins University and Bill and Gates Foundation created a live scenario known as the "Coronavirus Horizon 201", another stimulation took place in July centering on preparing for "Cyberattack". And just as the Rockefeller Foundation created a manual 10 years ago on "Lockdowns", in the event of a pandemic, so too have these people created a document which includes the result of the simulation along with a strategy platform. Just like Covid-19. Сoncept 2020. The central theme for the live stream was the prevention of a ’digital pandemic’ while for the training we developed an attack scenario which in real life would jeopardise company reputation and data. The teams practised containing this type of attack in real time, and subsequently investigated the incident. The website is Russian based but in English, though it is the WEF that have organised this. The webinars includes leading Russian and Eastern European media influencers and journalists…..120 organisations from 29 countries took part in the Cyber Polygon 2020. The information published on this page is not complete as some participants chose to remain anonymous. Partners and participants are global IT companies, state and commercial banks, but the majority are Russian and former Soviet countries as well as ICANN, Accounting Groups, Interpol and Russian representatives of global organisations.

At least six US government departments, including energy, commerce, treasury and state, are reported to have been breached. The National Nuclear Security Administration’s networks were also breached, Politico reported on Thursday. Dozens of security and other technology firms, as well as non-governmental organizations, were also affected, Microsoft said on Thursday. While most affected by the attack were in the US, Microsoft said it had identified victims in Canada, Mexico, Belgium, Spain, the United Kingdom, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. “It’s certain that the number and location of victims will keep growing,” Microsoft added. Microsoft has said the UK and six other countries outside the US have been affected by a suspected Russian hacking attack that US authorities have warned poses a grave risk to government and private networks. Brad Smith, Microsoft’s chief legal counsel, said the company had uncovered 40 customers, including government agencies, thinktanks, NGOs and IT companies, who were “targeted more precisely and compromised” after the hackers had gained initial access earlier this year.

On December 15, Google suffered a major worldwide outage in which all of its internet-connected services crashed, including Nest, Google Calendar, Gmail, Docs, Hangouts, Maps, Meet and YouTube. The outage only lasted an hour, but it was a chilling reminder of how reliant the world has become on internet-connected technologies to do everything.

The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the U.S. agency that manages the nation’s stockpile of nuclear weapons, is the latest in federal agencies hacked, according to a new report on Thursday. Officials close to the matter told Politico that the NNSA has evidence of hackers gaining access to the agency’s networks in a mass spy operation that also hacked various other U.S. agencies. The officials don’t yet know what information hackers have been able to access or steal – and it may take weeks to find out. In addition to evidence of hacking in the NNSA’s networks, officials also identified suspicious network activity in the networks of The Energy Department, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories. NNSA manages the nation’s nuclear weapons, while the Sandia and Los Alamos labs perform research on nuclear weapons and nuclear power......

Hackers knocked out one of Germany's biggest news organizations over the Christmas holiday. Such criminal attacks, which often come with ransom demands, have become a lucrative business model…..The Funke Media Group, which publishes dozens of newspapers and magazines and runs several local radio stations and online news portals, said on Monday that some 6,000 of its computers had been "potentially infected" in the attack, which had affected several central computer systems at all its locations in Germany.

Recent days have seen reports of at least two serious cyberattacks against Israeli companies. The first targeted Israeli software firm Amital Data and some 40 of its clients, and the second was against Habana Labs, a processor producer working under Intel. The two attacks are being attributed to the Iranian hackers Pay2Key, which is targeting Israeli firms at a rapid and alarming speed. New details of the attack, revealed by OP Innovate, show its scope was much wider than previously known…. Haaretz has reported in recent weeks about a number of cyber attacks and the increasing spillover of techniques used by cybercriminals into the offensive cyber arena. Regarding Pay2Key, Lotem Finkelstein, head of cyberintelligence at CheckPoint, told Haaretz’s Omer Benjakob that “ransomware is immediately associated with cybercrime and money, and rightly so. However, ransomware serves more motivations than solely financial gains. “We have seen, for example, hacktivists using ransomware to carry specific messages to the targeted organization, or to serve a certain idea,” he says. “This was the case with the Pay2Key ransomware, where an unknown Iranian group of hackers attacked mainly Israeli companies with cutting-edge ransomware. While doing everything they could to collect the ransom, the geopolitical characteristics [of the attack] also suggest the hackers were also ideologically driven.”

Geopolitics, Cultural and Other News

Child-raping UN “Peace” Troops (NWO Military) Exposed The so called UN "Peace" Troops is responsible not just the mass rape of children and women in Africa but are also responsible for overthrowing African governments. In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes United Nations “peacekeeping” troops for their horrific crimes, especially those committed against women and children. Under the guise of keeping the peace, this scandalous abuse has been an ongoing, systemic issue with the UN for decades. And yet, nothing is done, the troops are given diplomatic immunity, and New World Order globalists are still using these disgraced forces to impose the UN’s will on nations and peoples all over the world. Articles: UN And Muslim Militias Arrest Ivory Coast President / United Nations Exploits Pseudo-“Human Rights” to Attack U.S. / UN Troops in Mali Slaughter Civilian Protesters / Whistleblower Targeted for Exposing UN Troops Raping Children

The company that sold the combustible insulation used on the Grenfell Tower deliberately manipulated fire safety tests and misled customers, a former manager has told the Grenfell inquiry The inquiry has already heard that the Celotex RS5000 insulation foam board was misleadingly marketed as safe for use in buildings taller than 18m, despite a fire safety test only validating the product for use with the exact same components as it was tested with.

The Case For Pardoning Edward Snowden By President Trump: Greenwald A U.S. appellate court in September unanimously ruled that the NSA’s program of mass domestic surveillance was illegal, as well as likely a violation of the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee against “unreasonable searches and seizures.” That is precisely the abuse Snowden acted to stop. And that is why the people and institutions across the political spectrum who have devoted themselves to protecting the right to privacy, safeguarding internet freedom and combating the abuses of the security state have advocated a pardon or clemency for Snowden. President Trump has, on two occasions, indicated that he was considering the possibility of pardoning Snowden.

A Greek minister has accused several charities of working with human traffickers to form a refugee-smuggling network that stretches from Somalia to the UK. Migration and Asylum Minister Notis Mitarachi named seven charitable organizations that officials suspect provide funds for traffickers. The money allegedly is used to help illegal migrants from Somalia to enter Greece and, from there, travel to other European nations. He told the Times newspaper that Norwegian aid agency Aegean Boat Report, the London-based Al-Khair Foundation and five other groups are believed to be complicit in efforts to aid smugglers…..Greek authorities say the accounts given by migrants match reports from intelligence agencies about refugee-smuggling networks, which are accused of exploiting a loophole introduced by Turkey in the system for student and healthcare visas. It allows young Somalis to travel legally to Turkey on visas issued by liaison officers and a Mogadishu hospital funded by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. They are then put in contact with smugglers in Turkey who organize illegal crossings into Greek territory. “Contacts in Mogadishu facilitate transport to Istanbul, even paying for migrant airfares on Turkish Airlines,” Mitarachi said.

One year later, the EU now has a Magnitsky-system. No sanctions, however, have been suggested, whether by member states or by [High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy] Borrell himself. "Sanctions are triggered when a Member State puts forward a proposal," Borrell answered, without acknowledging that he himself has the authority to put forward such a proposal. "For the time being, no one has done it.... Let us see in the future; for the time being my concrete answer is clear". Crucially, the EU does not want to jeopardize the finalization of the EU-China Comprehensive Investment Agreement, which the EU and China have sought to realize for seven years now. The US has sanctioned at least 28 Chinese officials over their actions in Xinjiang.

After almost seven years of negotiations, the European Union and China on Tuesday finally agreed an investment deal, although its official signing is expected on December 30. According to an internal European Commission paper which DW gained access to, the deal, known as the Comprehensive Agreement on Investments (CAI), removes barriers to foreign investments in China for certain EU industries, such as new energy vehicles, cloud computing services, financial services and health, the Commission said…….The EU had been asking for a level playing field in real estate, manufacturing, construction, and financial services and forced technology transfers from European firms with facilities in China. EU companies working in China face one of the most restrictive foreign direct investment (FDI) regimes in the world, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

"We continue to call on Russia to cease using its energy resources for coercive purposes. Russia uses its energy export pipelines to create national and regional dependencies on Russian energy supplies, leveraging these dependencies to expand its political, economic, and military influence, weaken European security, and undermine U.S. national security and foreign policy interests. These pipelines also reduce European energy diversification, and hence weaken European energy security. — U.S. Department of State, "Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act," October 20, 2020. On December 24, the Kremlin admitted that U.S. sanctions may succeed in preventing completion of the pipeline. The U.S. government is now readying a fresh round of congressionally mandated sanctions that could deal a fatal blow to the project, according to the Reuters news agency.

Videos shared by Russia show nuclear-capable missiles being deployed, the country's defence ministry said, included the test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile from the Karelia nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea. Russia has expanded its military drills in recent years amid tensions with the West as relations plummeted to post-Cold War lows after Russia's 2014 annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula…. The war games come less than two months before the New START U.S.-Russian arms control treaty expires in early February….Arms control advocates have warned that its expiration would remove any checks on U.S. and Russian nuclear forces, in a blow to global stability.

The Royal Navy had to intercept nine Russian warships as they sailed in waters around the UK over the past two weeks. The ships have included a surfaced submarine, a destroyer, a corvette and a patrol ship along with their supporting tugs and supply ships travelling in the English Channel, Celtic Sea and the west coast of Scotland. First Sea Lord Admiral Tony Radakin said: ‘This is why the Royal Navy is at sea every day, protecting the UK and our interests. ‘Even with the pressures of Covid, we remain at short notice to respond to threats both in home waters and around the world….Russia's AS-31 Losharik Spy Submarine Is Making a Comeback - What does all this mean? Losharik is a special boat, manned by an elite crew and meant for a bespoke purpose. It is widely believed to be among Russia’s most advanced special-purpose submarines.

South Korea said it scrambled fighter jets in response to an intrusion into its air defence identification zone by 19 Russian and Chinese military aircraft on Tuesday. Four Chinese warplanes entered the Korea Air Defence Identification Zone (KADIZ) followed by 15 Russian aircraft, according to South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). The South Korean military dispatched air force fighters to take tactical measures.

As the People's Republic of China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) continues to increase in size, which could seriously threaten the Republic of China (Taiwan), the government in Taipei has announced it will start work to build the first of eight new domestically developed submarines. On Friday, Taiwan said it would move forward on the long-mooted project to bolster the island nation's defenses in the wake of China's rapidly modernizing military. The PLAN has aggressively built up its navy, and now has more than 300 warships and submarines in service, with plans to expand it even further. That could pose a serious threat to Taiwan, which Beijing maintains is a rogue province – one it has vowed to bring under its control, by military force if necessary.

“The missile launch was performed during a stage of the submarine’s state trials at a Northern Fleet range in the White Sea. The seaborne target was successfully hit,” the press office said. Ships and vessels of the Northern Fleet’s White Sea naval base cordoned off the area. The Kazan nuclear-powered attack submarine started the test stage with the crew and a trial team onboard. In November 2020, the Kazan fired a cruise missile of the Kalibr (SS-N-27 Sizzler) system against a coastal target and an Oniks missile against a seaborne target.

NATO’s New Purpose: An Alliance Reborn to Take on China? NATO members should resist any attempt to substantially reorient the alliance on countering China. NATO lacks the military tools, the societal will, and the strategic imperative to cast its gaze east of Suez…..Europe has taken a lengthy holiday from history; many Europeans thought they had moved beyond serious armed conflict after the end of the Cold War. Russia’s occupation of Crimea has only partly broken this spell. Non-NATO member Sweden has reintroduced conscription and recently increased defense spending by a whopping 40 percent, but Germany and other alliance freeriders have made only tepid commitments to raise their defense spending. Even in comparatively strong Britain, which substantially increased its defense budget last month, the former Chief of Defence Staff felt compelled to warn in 2018 that “US observers have come to realize we are living a lie.”… European weakness is manifest in something as basic as mustering combat-ready ground forces. A 2017 RAND report found that NATO’s European big three – France, Britain, and Germany – could collectively mobilize just a single armored battalion in a week and fewer than three armored brigades in a month. For an alliance worried about Russian faits accompli, this is wholly inadequate.

Joe Biden last week announced the core nominees for his foreign policy team. Most media outlets, hostile to President Trump’s foreign policy initiatives, breathlessly hailed the group almost as saviors of the Republic. Slate: “foreign policy experts.” CNBC said they will, “restore America globally…” NPR called them, “historic picks…” Vox said that, “they will hit the ground running.”…. This “Back to the Future” foreign policy team is comprised of the very people who advocated and supported US appeasement of Iran that resulted in the disastrous Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. This was supposed to delay Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, yet all indications are that Iran has continued research and the processing on nuclear material. Iran’s chief nuclear scientist was assassinated because of it. They also did nothing to support Iranian protestors – reformers who were protesting the theocratic regime’s human rights abuses – during the Arab Spring.

The United States on Tuesday designated the Bahrain-based Saraya Al-Mukhtar group as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist, accusing it of being an Iran-backed terrorist organization and of having plotted attacks against US personnel in Bahrain. “Saraya Al-Mukhtar is an Iran-backed terrorist organization based in Bahrain, reportedly receiving financial and logistic support from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement. Bahrain welcomed Washington’s decision to designate the group as a terrorist organization as it threatens the security of the kingdom and the world.

Well-funded and backed by powerful governments, the Muslim Brotherhood has used a large percentage of its assets to manipulate millions of Muslims around the world by creating hundreds of organizations to keep them isolated in their own communities. Meanwhile, away from Islamic slogans, the international organization has used its resources to influence international intellectual institutions, charitable organizations, public relations firms, and numerous media outlets in the US and several European countries to indirectly promote the group and advance its ideology. Qatar has provided the radical group with the largest media platform in the Middle East. Al Jazeera Arabic has played a vital role in radicalizing Arabic-speaking Muslims around the world, inciting hatred and anti-Semitism by playing on the emotions of its viewers, who originally came from a politically unstable and war-torn region. On the other hand, the English-language version of the Al Jazeera network whitewashes the face of certain political Islamist movements and terrorist groups to play the victim’s role and gain the sympathy of the Western world.

The US on Monday announced sanctions on Turkey under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act due to Ankara’s purchase of the Russian S-400 missile defense system. These sanctions will deny Turkey access to US defense products and technology, besides imposing asset freezes and visa restrictions on four senior officials from the Presidency of Defense Industries. The official US statement noted that the acquisition of the Russian missile system “would endanger the security of US technology and personnel.” The incoming Biden administration is expected to uphold the sanctions, as it has also opposed the S-400 purchase and the disunity within NATO that the Turkish acquisition has caused….. Against this background, what will be the future shape of Turkey’s ties with Russia? Russian President Vladimir Putin has invested heavily in trying to detach Turkey from the Western embrace by developing substantial bilateral economic and military ties, accommodating Turkey’s interests in Syria and engaging with Ankara on matters relating to Libya, even though they back opposite sides. Russia also brokered the cease-fire in Nagorno-Karabakh, where again they had supported opposing parties.

Amid fears of Erdoğan’s increasingly hawkish regional polices, such as the confrontation with Cyprus over energy reserves in the eastern Mediterranean, Tatar’s opponents fear annexation of northern Cyprus may now be on the cards…. But from the outset the visit had been beset by controversy. The leader’s announcement of enjoying a picnic in the resort upped the ante, intensifying already heightened tensions between Athens, Ankara and Nicosia. The Greek foreign ministry described Sunday’s tour as “an unprecedented provocation”. Using similar language, Nicos Anastasiades, the president of Cyprus, said he feared Erdoğan’s actions would “torpedo the prospect of creating an appropriate climate” to resume UN-brokered talks.

The head of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has urged the international community to direct its attention to the country as it struggles to get back on its feet following a 2018 peace deal.

The agreement, signed by South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir with rebel factions, was designed to end a civil war that had killed over 50,000 people, displaced 2 million, and stalled the country’s political progress since it had gained independence in 2011. Sudan officially taken off US terror list - Washington announced that Khartoum would finally be taken off its list of state-sponsored terror after 27 years.

Without providing details, the Pentagon said in a short statement that “a majority” of U.S. troops and assets in Somalia will be withdrawn in early 2021. There are currently about 700 troops in that Horn of Africa nation, training and advising local forces in an extended fight against the extremist group al-Shabab, an affiliate of al-Qaida. In a statement, Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander of U.S. Africa Command, said that troops are not withdrawing from east Africa, but are being redeployed elsewhere in that region. “Our presence in Somalia will decrease significantly but U.S. forces will remain in the region and our tasks and commitment to partners remain unchanged,” he said in a statement emailed to Military Times.

Information minister Osman Abukar Dubbe …… did not specify the nub of the latest tiff between Mogadishu and Nairobi but accused Kenya's "current leadership" of carry out "recurring outright" interference in Somalia, while describing the people of Kenya as "peace-loving." The rift follows a reported visit to Nairobi by Muse Bihi Abdi, the president of the self-proclaimed independent Somaliland, in Somalia's far north. Abdi had been received by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday, reported the French news agency AFP. Somalia has also long objected to what it believes is Kenya's support for Ahmed Madobe, the president of the Somali southern state of  Jubbaland, which borders Kenya and includes the key Somali port Kismayo.

Angola's economy is in a state of fragility. Its tough economic restructuring programme at the beginning of the year focused on the sale of state-owned oil and diamond assets, reform of the national budget. The major hit it has taken from the coronavirus epidemic, has also weakened the country. But perhaps Angola would have weathered the storm better had over $100bn not been stolen from state coffers during the four decade presidency of José Eduardo dos Santos. In this five-part series, Patrick Smith and Zoe Eisenstein report on the campaign to find those stolen funds and how it is changing the politics and economy of Angola.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday he was happy that Donald Trump was leaving office, calling him “the most lawless US president” and a “terrorist.” “We are not overjoyed about Mr. Biden’s arrival, but we are happy about Trump leaving,” Rouhani said in a televised speech to the cabinet.

In a meeting with students of Payame Noor University in Tehran last week, Mohsen Rezaee, a former Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander and the current secretary of Iran’s Expediency Discernment Council, made some comments that deserve wider attention. “The Western countries are concerned about Iranian science and nuclear technology, which is entering the nuclear industry and in all other industries, and is witnessing steady industrial and productive growth,” he told the students. “The fear of the West goes beyond the fear of Iran producing a nuclear bomb, because if the Greater Iran emerges north of the (Arabian) Gulf and the Sea of Oman, 15 countries will join Iran. If the Greater Iran is formed, it will interfere with global policymaking. Our duty is to bring back again the glory, greatness and might of ancient Persia, and we can carry out this task.”

A small boat laden with explosives targeting on the Singapore-flagged BW Rhine, which was carrying 60,000 tons of gasoline, causing an explosion and a fire on board.

The ship’s crew put out the fire and there were no casualties, but parts of the vessel’s hull were damaged…… Meanwhile, Yemen’s Minister of Information, Muammar Al-Eryani, warned of the dangers of the international community’s continued disregard for the “terrorist activities” of the Iranian regime and its support to the Houthi militia’s activities in the Red Sea and Bab Al-Mandeb.

Facebook, Amazon, Google and others could soon face massive fines in the European Union under draft laws that seek to rein in Big Tech…… European and US regulators have grown increasingly concerned over the business and user data practices of tech giants — particularly firms buying other companies in a bid to eliminate potential rivals. Some recent examples include Facebook's acquisition of messaging service WhatsApp and the social media giant Instagram. Google's purchase of YouTube and GPS navigator Waze also raised alarm among regulators. Facebook and other firms have warned that more regulation could prompt the company to move away from Europe, which could cost jobs and block access to its site for EU users. Last week, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 48 states filed antitrust lawsuits against Facebook. The FTC also filed a separate lawsuit to force Facebook to sell off Instagram and WhatsApp. In November, the EU charged Amazon with breaking its competition law.

A white high school student withdrew from her chosen college after a three-second video caused an uproar online. The classmate who shared it publicly has no regrets.

Vegans are 43 percent more likely to suffer bone fractures, study shows Vegans who forgo all foods derived from animals have a far higher risk of broken bones than people who eat meat and fish, a study has shown. The findings, by Oxford University researchers, have raised concerns that a recent increase in the popularity of veganism will cause health problems unless adherents plan their diets. The NHS advises vegans to think carefully about how they obtain enough calcium, iron and vitamin B12. The number of vegans in Britain more than doubled to 600,000 between 2016 and 2019, according to surveys by the Vegan Society published this year. Food manufacturers have responded by creating scores of plant products designed to mimic red meat, such as vegan sausage rolls and burgers that “bleed” with beetroot juice. (Paywall)


The various external links to news outlets do not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites and do not necessarily represent my views. In particular, I have been using Catholic news sites, many who are critical of Vatican II and Pope Francis. I do not support the Catholic ideology and all that it represents. But I use these media platforms to gain better coverage of current events in relation to end-time biblical events.

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